加拿大城市蜂巢社区项目-建筑与景观/ Nine Yards Studio|景观建筑案例
城市规划设计蜂箱是一个社区性的设计项目,旨在强调传粉昆虫的重要性和它们在可生态可持续生态环境中的重要作用。建筑设计景观建筑园林景观设计师希望通过建筑设计与建筑设计景观建筑园林景观设计的方式将这一园林景观设计理念很好地传达出来。▼设计项目概览,project overview ©Dear Addie Photography
该设计项目中包含两个示范性的蜂箱,鼓励公众通过亲身实践去了解蜂蜜的生产过程,并学习有关授粉和养蜂的知识。蜂箱被放置在夏洛特敦最大的城花园PEI Farm Centre,这里常常举办各类农业及社区性的活动,理想的生态环境十分有利于吸引蜜蜂,同时也为附近小路上经过的游客提供了优美的视野。
The project features demonstration bee hives that encourage a hands-on-approach to bee education, allowing the public to see how honey is being produced and to learn about pollination and the industry of beekeeping. The hives are housed in Charlottetown’s largest Urban Garden – the PEI Farm Centre – which hosts a range of agriculture and community-related activities. This is an ideal setting for a landscape that offers plenty of bee-friendly pasture as well as beautiful vistas for visitors who are passing by on the adjacent trail.
▼两个示范性的蜂箱,demonstration bee hives ©Dear Addie Photography
▼蜂箱平面图和立面图, plan and elevation of the bee hive ©Nine Yards Studio
The hives are placed in individual sculptural structures that act both functionally – to provide a learning platform for the public – and aesthetically – to act as engaging public art that draws people to the site and creates a destination for bee education. The public can look inside the two windows (one child height and one adult size window) to see the bees working inside the plexiglass hive. They can also watch the bees exit and enter the hive at the bee landing pad as they bring the pollen into the working hive. The hives are constructed with wood, a locally available, sustainable material and are secured in place by helical anchors that make minimal impact on the land.
▼开启时的蜂巢,the structure open ©Dear Addie Photography
▼透过窗口观察蜜蜂,looking inside the window to see the bees working inside ©Dear Addie Photography