Jeremy 发表于 2015-5-8 10:40:44


图片关键词:Entrance to the park landscape renderings景观 公园大门设计 景观构筑物 中国 西安Xi'an Eco-park   景观效果图   园林景观设计效果图    公园大门创意门楼景观效果图    公园景观效果图    城市生态   公园大门景观效果图大门和生态餐厅效果图大门设计公园大门景观效果图户外空间效果图大门景观效果图   景观效果图 大门设计   公园大门效果图   大门效果图, 大门设计, 公园景观设计, 入口设计景观效果图公园入口效果图效果图适用类型:Landscape design, landscape design city square, commercial street landscape design, landscape design, urban public space design节点景观设计城市广场景观设计   城市公园景观设计    城市景观设计休闲空间景观   城市景观设计   城市公园景观设计   城市综合体景观设计   公园广场景观设计生态景观景观设计

More specifically speaking, the design of the gates was generated through the tension of the curves, that whilst flowing along, twisting and twirling, project a series of surfaces: a three-dimensional ribbon. The final morphology is produced through the movement along space of those splines.As the extension of the ground, the gates stem from it, flowing uninterruptedly and creating subtle shifts along their trajectory. With the lawn (landscape) gradually turning into steel (architecture), the figure-ground relationship is altered and blurred to produce a moment whose body does not possess a footprint, but rather proposes a trace of an action taking place within the ground, cutting it and lifting it.


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