URBANUS Architecture深圳翠竹公园 竹文化 主题景观设计 模型图 深圳公园景观设计节点 中国传统竹文化广场景观设计 竹林庭院设计 分析图 公园 景观设计 竹文化公园设计, 空中竹林 公园广场景观设计 景观设计效果图模型, 公园景观设计都市实践 公园廊道 竹文化广场 景观模型设计图 分析图 公园景观设计 公园设计,景观分析图工业公园 生态公园 公园分析图,景观效果图 保护地规划效果图 景观都市主义 城市公共空间 景观设计效果图, 历史保护规划 城市公共空间设计效果图模型 广场景观设计, 竹文化广场, 公园景观设计, 广场设计
Before the launch of largescale urban construction Shenzhen was formerly hilly country. Today, it is difficult to see the original landform distinguished from the even city pattern. The Jade Bamboo Garden, which has insufficient connections with the surrounding streets, is one of the few areas partly retaining the original landform and vegetation in the urban center.
The north entrance of the Jade Garden needs to share the remaining land after development of some highclass residential area to actualize a connection with the north roads. After negotiating with the government, the developer agreed to designate the area for urban public space. As compensation, the government agreed to build 50 parking spaces for the developer underneath this public square.
Architects: URBANUS Architecture & Design Inc.
Location: Shenzhen, China
Design Director: Meng Yan
Project Manager: Xing Guo
Designers: Ding Yu, Wu Kaimao, Liao Zhixiong
Client: Luohu Development & Reform Bureau, Shenzhen
Site Area: 6,870 sqm