Expo entiret入口桥景观构筑物意向图
图片关键词:景观 人行天桥 桥梁 西安园博会 入口桥梁设计 景观构筑物 Plasma Studio Pedestrian bridge designed landscape park landscape design of steel pedestrian bridge bridge landscape bridge design landscape design landscape design boardwalk bridge design景观桥设计设计图,创意景观桥意向图 园林景观桥 景观桥梁设计景观桥方案 景观桥设计 景观桥图片 创意 新颖 景观桥设计图 景观桥雕塑小品 景观桥梁 景观桥小品 景观桥栏杆 钢结构景观桥意向图 人行景观桥图纸 园林景观桥图片景观桥梁效果图 景观桥规划设计 景观木栈道设计 公园入口景观桥设计
意向图适用类型:Pedestrian bridge designed landscape park landscape design of steel pedestrian bridge bridge landscape bridge design landscape design landscape design boardwalk bridge design人行景观桥设计 公园景观桥设计钢结构人行景观桥设计景观桥梁设计 景观桥设计
该桥梁是一个公园基础设施项目,它将被主道路分隔开来的区域连为整体,为聚集在入口广场的人们提供了前行的通道,方便他们确定身处的位置。桥梁上的通道高7m,成为观赏世博园全景的有利制高点。This project operates as infrastructure, bridging the main road that dissects the site. It channels visitors from the plaza at the entrance where they congregate and orient themselves, plotting their direction. Their path over the bridge ascends 7m, offering vantage points from which to view theInternational Horticultural Expo in its entirety.