Edaw 发表于 2015-5-12 18:18:04

Segreen Business Park现代化产业办公商务园区景观设计

Project Name:Segreen Business Park现代化产业办公商务园区景观设计Location: Segrate MI, ItalyArea: 30000.0 sqmYear: 2013Design:Lombardini22Project Type:商业景观办公楼景观设计,城市广场景观设计, 商业办公区景观设计,办公楼景观设计,屋顶花园景观设计,雨水收集系统景观设计Key words: 景观 商业景观办公楼   景观设计    广场   办公楼    屋顶花园广场景观设计   雨洪调蓄与净化系统   新能源景观All photos :©Courtesy of Lombardini22Text译:zoscape   
    Segreen Business Park园区距离米兰市中心10千米,距离米兰利纳特机场5千米。赛格拉特站通过一条新建的自行车——行人道路与园区相连,它是与米兰地下道路网络相连的“S”型铁路线的一部分。由CBRE全球投资公司建造,Segreen Business Park商务园区将参选“最佳翻修建筑”。所有的这些形成了商务园区优秀的连接系统。Segreen Business Park商务园区是将一栋低效率高耗能建筑重建成一栋综合楼的结果,园区设计还满足了各家最创新、要求最高的公司的需求。Segreen Business Park主体建筑通过向“广场”开放的透明、渗透式连接和质量高、高度也高的空间相互互动起来。附近2421平方米的建筑将用于美食广场和其他设施,它们是一个五星级服务中心的一部分。停车区足以停下613辆汽车、21辆摩托车和62辆自行车。   Segreen Business Park现代化产业办公商务园区——景观设计师紧紧围绕以人为本的宗旨为人们创造一个宽松。休闲的工作场所,营造一个优美。宜人的外部环境,工作的地方是人们的第二个家,利用景观作用,使人们保持愉悦的工作心态。
2、景观设计风格定位:用现代风格体现基地风貌,重视功能和空间组织,尊重材料的特性,讲究材料自身的质地和色 彩的配置效果,强调设计与工业生产的联系。利用景观导视系统体现色彩的定位。景观标志牌是项目内城市家具,城市色彩的定位。
4、铺装设计:为了环保并且遵循原材料本身的原则,铺装的材质大多使用有色混凝土和本色混凝土, 铺装的元素由化工科技的分子抽象而来,乱而有序,体现传统文化。
5、植物种植设计:在与周围环境统一协调的前提下,加强丰富景观效果,力求创造出一种景观优美、生态平衡、布局合理、格调高雅的现代化生态景观。 园区内引入屋顶花园和立体绿化的景观概念:
b、立体绿化:让自然与艺术完美结合,增加城市建筑的艺术效果,使之与环境更加协调统一。 两种绿化概念能补偿建筑物占用的绿化地面,提高绿化覆盖率。

Developed by CBRE Global Investors and designed by Lombardini22 will compete in the “Best Refurbished Building” category. Segreen Business Park is located 10 km from Milan city centre and 5 km from Milan Linate Airport. Segrate Station, connected to the campus by a new cycle-pedestrian path, is an integral part of the “S” system of railway lines connected to the Milan underground network. All this already constitutes an excellent system of links to the Business Park.Everything has been made around safeguarding the environment. Green Characteristics: renewable energy sources are used for the water management (source and recovery), the choice of materials and the energy sources; optimization of the shape and the orientation of the building; solar shading, use of motorized roller blind to reduce the solar gain but to optimize the daylighting in winter; 4 pipe fan coil systems for flexibility in control of the internal conditions, for maximum occupant satisfaction; photovoltaic cells to provide renewable electricity (size and capacity under study); bicycle racks and shower facilities to encourage workers to travel by bike; the project will provide at least 35% of the building’s electricity from renewable sources by engaging in at least a two-year renewable contract.

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