图片关键词: 广场景观荷兰动物园景观设计 效果图鸟瞰图设计 效果图 广场景观 效果图 场所 城市广场 商业广场 Landscape design landscape design city square commercial street landscape design landscape design urban public space design广场景观 景观设计广场效果图 效果图 地面铺装 效果图 动物园小广场 效果图景观 效果图 广场效果图 景观广场效果图 铺砖 效果图 景观铺装广场景观, 广场 效果图 景观效果图 动物园
The evergreen pine trees refer to the forests found in the Emmen region, while the flowering trees provide a welcome contrast in spring. The planting areas within the inner square provide smaller more intimate spaces for sitting amongst the flowers. There are a series of open spaces within the planting which can vary in use from skateboarding bowls to sunbathing lawns, playgrounds or other ideas which the residents imagine. A long pergola filled with evergreen honeysuckle and wisteria can be found along the long east wall of the existing shopping mall to tie the development together with a green element and provide a spectacular view in spring.