花园景观设计--美国室内植物园Garden Landscape Design - American Society of Interior Arboretum
Garden is an American holiday weekend leisure destination, located between Philadelphia and Wilmington, in 1050 acres of land, dotted with 54 indoor and outdoor gardens, numerous fountains and water park presents the beautiful scenery all year round open. Park planners carefully crafted plant kingdom, with the perfect blend of local culture, is an American garden landscape design is a microcosm, where you can see the latest U.S. interior landscape design, today we show is one of a group of works.
Garden是美国周末假日休闲的好去处,位于费城与威明顿之间, 在1050英亩的土地上,分布着54个室内室外的花园,无数喷泉和亲水公园所呈现的秀丽景色终年开放。公园规划师精心打造的植物王国,与本土文化完美的融合,是美国花园景观设计的一个缩影,在这里,你可以看到美国最新的室内景观设计,今天我们展示的就是其中一组作品。