分析图关键词:景观土壤 景观场地分析 土壤分析 土壤管理 水质分析土壤 土壤景观设计分析图景观分析图 绿色基础设施 景观规划土壤场所尺度 生态基础设施 滨水公园景观设计公园景观分析图 景观设计 分析图 公园景观设计 分析图景观场地分析 滨江景观效果 景观概念规划 景观规划设计 景观概念 分析图景观分析图 土壤管理分析 水景观设计 景观设计分析图 景观设计土质分析图
Horticultural Exhibit
Informed by native plant communities, the planting palette distinguishes a gradation of typologies, from upland to lowland, to establish an armature for unique high-performance botanical collections highlighting trees, shrubs and meadows that withstand and thrive through periods of drought and inundation. Collectively, the planting design establishes an iconic botanic exhibit that demonstrates the distinct role plants have in how a landscape functions and performs. This horticultural design introduced 90 new plant species and varieties to the Garden's collection. Its expansive displayed and distinct weaving and weft composition establish a new pedagogical tool that showcases native plant communities as a vital ecological system component as well as highlighting their inherent beauty and vast seasonal characteristics.