The Brooklyn Botanic Garden visitor center入口景观总平面图
图片关键词:The Brooklyn Botanic Garden visitor center景观总平面图景观平面图园林景观设计平面图 入口景观平面图公园景观平面图生态坡体景观平面图 居住区绿地景观平面图植物园绿地平面图公园绿地平面图广场绿地平面图户外空间平面图公园景观平面图
The Brooklyn Botanic Garden visitor center establishes a visionary public interface between city and garden. Fusing contemporary site
engineering technology with sustainable landscape and horticultural design, the landscape design marks the Garden's centennial and
demonstrates the institution's commitment to environmental stewardship and conservation. As a seamless, inhabitable extension of the Garden,
the building's living roof design mergers landscape and architecture, redefining physical and philosophical relationships between visitor and
garden, exhibition and movement, culture and cultivation.