Glye 发表于 2015-6-8 20:06:36


图片关键词:城市 折线构图城市公共开放空间景观设计 意向图 景观意向图   公共空间步行道 walking path景观设计意向图 开放空间 园林 景观场地历史文脉    人性设计景观规划 道路设计意向图儿童休闲区 游乐场地绿色 草坡 几何 构图   空间   步行道   道路景观休闲景观活力剧场本设计引用了海德格尔的“诗意的栖居”相关理论,人只有存在与“诗意的栖居”中,才能真正体现出其自身的价值。“诗意的栖居”中对人性的重视也为城市景观的诗意化构建奠定了哲学理论基础。设计题目中,“回”寓意着“回归”“回圆(环绕)”,象征着从城市中回归自然;“逸”寓意着“安逸”“逃逸”,象征着互相“逃离”,可以理解为“自然生活”与“都市繁忙”的相互转换。“回·逸”同音于“回忆”表示对传统诗意生活的回想。Other users arrive into the city, some by bicycle or using public transport. These two forms of access must naturally be encouraged but one needs to realize that due to the relatively small size of the town, it's impossible for the public transport in particular to be fully developed. Due to the town's dispersion, many arrive into the city centre by car, and already today, a large portion of the city's surface is designated for stationary traffic. If the number of visitors to the city centre is to be increased, this is a problem that needs to be solved.

But why do people choose to come to town for? Mainly for the programme and events. To revitalize the city, all the events (of which there is no shortage in Velenje) need to be purposely concentrated in the centre so as to generate the necessary critical mass and continuity of activity. People simply have to get used to coming to the city. The commercial programme will then automatically follow the demand and further enrich the activity in the city centre. Having the necessary infrastructure in place is certainly helpful, though.

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