柚子 发表于 2015-6-10 12:00:04


图片关键词:总部大楼景观设计 实景意向图经典设计作品几何平面构图景观作品美的总部大楼景观总平面图 水景水平面图   栈桥 道路水景庭院    景观水池 几何体 下沉式水景桑基鱼塘 乡土景观场地精神 美的总部大楼景观平面图   土人作品土人景观   总部大楼景观设计 实景意向图

Crossroad trestle and road traffic will divide land into different size and shapes of geometry - or sink towater features, or mound for planting native trees, or a small square area (courtyard), or the basementskylight. And dotted with modern landscape construction made from local materials and it solves thebasement skylight problem by form and combination of local materials, continuing execution of regionallandscape. With the trestle, roads, water features and garden features, actual physical block outline“mulberry-dyke fish-pond " mesh texture, not only people to experience the texture by contacting betweenthe vivid and rich features, but bring sense of land belonging in old time. Water features in the site wasdivided into the wetlands and the thin water above basement skylight, the concept is not to reproduce thedifferent forms of water features, and not about water activities, but respect the region culture, life therelationship between the local natural environments. Wetland and thin water above basement skylight aredesigned for rain, sewage water collection and as part of water treatment systems. The rainwater willarvest, accumulate, and collect in the pond will have the full reclaim by biological degradation throughthe wetlands treatment, and use for the green irrigation and supply pond water, do not use drink wateras landscape use. Waterscape design also explained the state of the environment we are facing today,the choices we make - how to continue and exist.

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