Arganzuela footbridge滨水公园景观桥设计
Project Name: Arganzuela footbridge滨水公园景观桥规划设计Location:西班牙
Project Type:滨水公园景观桥设计 滨水滨江景观设计滨水公园景观设计Key words: 滨水公园 滨江公园 景观桥 天桥滨水景观桥 天桥设计景观天桥 天桥设计 桥设计 主题桥 桥意向图 景观桥设计 人行天桥 天桥景观景观桥意向图公园桥意向图 景观桥梁设计 景观桥意向 水面步行桥景观浮桥 入口景观桥 景观桥图片 景观桥分析 桥效果图 景观桥梁景观桥梁效果 自行车桥 人行立交桥 创意景观桥园林桥All photos :©West8 Text译:zoscape
与通常实用的人行天桥不同,设计师在这里创造了一个能够感知河流的场所。一座有着粗糙混凝土穹顶的行人天桥,两侧有着类似鲸鱼脊骨的钢缆。穹顶由西班牙艺术家Daniel Canogar设计,经过天桥时可以观察到内部的马赛克装饰非常漂亮。同时,在穹顶的边缘装备照明系统,使得这件艺术品在灯光反射下更加绚烂夺目。
A series of bridges over the river will allow passage from one side of the park to the other. Designed to link the neighborhoods on the right and left banks of the river, the Arganzuela Footbridge is the longest of all the built bridges. The bridge is for both pedestrians and cyclists. The footbridge enables people to cross from one side of the park to the other while also providing direct access to the park below. Cone like in structure, the bridge has two interlocking metal spirals, wrapped by a metallic ribbon. Spaced wooden slats make up the floor of the bridge, allowing the rays of the sun to penetrate through to the park below.The cones’ geographic location creates a belvedere over the park and the surrounding city as well as an exceptional location from which it will be possible to admire the famous Toledo Bridge. Shaded during the day, the promenade becomes luminous at night.” D. Perrault Forming a major element in the new urban strategy for the city named “Madrid Rio”, the Arganzuela Footbridge is already called “the jewel of the Rio” by the residents.
Over 270 meters long, the Arganzuela footbridge is located between the historic Toledo bridge and the Praga bridge which leads to the cultural centre of the capital. It links the Arganzuela and Carabanchel neighborhoods. The Arganzuela Parc, which hides some of the buried highway’s technical infrastructures, has an irregular topography. Playing with that topography, the two cones join above the curve of a hill, and are offset to create a new entrance point to the park.
The first cone – to the south – spans from the Avenida de Manzaranes, crosses over the river and then joins the top of the hill. Placed offset to the first cone, the second cone – to the north – passes over the other side of the park to reach the Paseo de Yeserias. This positioning creates a platform over the park and the surrounding city, and an exceptional vantage point from which to admire the famous Toledo Bridge.