LabD+H 发表于 2019-11-1 00:00:00


漫公园 | 一场地形感知之旅
Diffuse Park – A Topographic Sensation

景观设计: Lab D+H
项目地址: 常州,中国
设计时间: 2018.8-2018.10
建成时间: 2018.12
Landscape Architect: Lab D+H
Project Location: Changzhou, China
Design Period: 2018.8-2018.10
Completion: 2018.12

Diffuse Park is a community park that mobilizes people’s perceptions with landform, it is designed with the notion of returning to the space, through shaping of the landform. This brings a multi-sensory experience and even emotional conversation with the people who visit the park. Whether it’s a swirling flowing terrain or a folded playground, it stimulates multiple feelings (tactile, visual, auditory, and olfactory). Whether it is a slightly undulating slope, or a sunken amphitheater where people walk under the bridge, it promotes dialogue between space and body. Please follow us through a topographic journey.

△ 总平面

As the commercial hub for a future community, the 150-meter north-south winged building has a 30-meter short axis to the street in the east-west, forming a strong classical layout symmetry. For the narrow space in front of the building, the landscape is balanced with the building in scale, but it is not an affiliated landscape space to the building. The display requirements of the commercial facade and the scale limitation of the narrow plaza inspired us to explore the possibility of a landscape with pure “space”, where the space returns to its essence: scale, elevation, circulation, atmosphere and texture. “Behavior” naturally emerges in the interaction between people and environment.

△ 建筑围合出半月形状的街道公园

△ 地形下凹形成下沉空间

△ 人行桥跨越场地

△ 微地形塑造与园路漫延

△ 丰富细腻的标高变化

△ 连续流畅的动线体验

△ 乔木围合形成完整空间

△ 各种活动在场地上漫延

The feeling of the overall integration of these dimensions (we call it “diffuseness”), which can be termed: a casual free-spirited movement, or an unfettered spatial spread. We hope that this space will not be bound by function or program, with less purpose and more instinct.

△ 桥既连接了彼此,也沟通了上下

△ 下沉空间的广场里可以嬉戏的微地形水景

△ 地形形成微缩的峡谷
一座飞桥跨越场地,直抵商业中心,俩侧下沉空间各有不同。 一侧是蜿蜒的步道伴着小溪,随着地形的起伏变化,引导人们在场地上穿梭漫步。另一侧步道盘旋而下形成广场和户外坐阶。无论是材质的选择还是种植的塑造,都在强调空间整体的流畅感。

A bridge flies across the sunken space and reaches to the commercial center, which split the site to two integrated but different spaces. On one side is a winding walkway accompanied by a meandering creek. As the terrain changes, people are guided to wander around. The other side of the trail spirals down to form an amphitheater with outdoor seating. The choices of materials and plants emphasize the overall fluency of the space.

△ 广场坐阶下如项链般串联的灯光

△ 收敛而明确的夜晚氛围

△ 夜幕下的飞桥被点亮

△ 飞桥的一翼盘旋向下形成下沉广场

△ 地形起伏的交织

△ 从桥下看向桥外

△ 被绿意包围的空间

△ 一条小溪从丘顶往低处逐阶流淌

△ 从桥上看向北侧的小丘与图书馆
在北区折叠公园的设计中,我们刻意减少儿童器械的使用。希望通过折纸般的地形鼓励儿童手脚并用,以身体感知大地。 孩子们可以奔跑攀爬,可以躲猫比赛,自由自在地决定怎么玩。

In the design for the Folding Park in the north, we deliberately minimized the use of playground equipment. We believe that the folding landform can encourage children to perceive the land with their hands and feet. Children can run, climb, play Hide and Seek, and decide how to have fun by themselves.

On the central axis of the park, a sculpture is combined with an outdoor theater. It is not only a symbol of the entire community, but also a place where residents gather together to host events. We believe it declares a commitment to openness and kindness of the community.

△ 雕塑剧场与折叠公园

△ 起起伏伏的折叠草坡地形

△ 不同坡度的折叠地形具有不同程度的挑战性

△ 夕阳下的折叠公园

△ 折叠爬网可攀爬可穿梭

△ 起伏折叠的地形

△ 可躲藏的洞穴

△ 可穿梭的桥洞

△ 雕塑剧场的坐阶与大树

△ 扭动的造型与旱喷相映成趣

△ 雕塑的表面像哈哈镜般的效果

Vanke Jintan Park Avenue Project is located near Hua Luogeng Industrial Campus in Jintan District, Changzhou City. With a forward-based planning concept, this 400,000㎡ mega community will have a series of open street blocks, and this community park will be critical to the street system. The project mainly includes the street garden on the south side commercial street and the street heart park on the north side. It is open as a pilot area in the initial stage and will become a permanent public space in the community in the future.

Design Name: Diffuse Park
Project Name: VankeJintan Park Avenue
Director in-charge: HuichengZhong, Liyang Chen
Design Team: HaoLan, Jiahui Liang, Zhigang Liu, Qimei Ling, Zhihua Chen, Wanlu Ye, Wenxin Deng, Zheyi Yuan, ZhengzhengXiong
Client Team: Yang Yu, Yi Zhu, Yanshuang Wu, Chaoran Sun
Client: Vanke Wuxi
CD Team: Zome Landscape
Architect: Dotint Design
Photographer: Qingshan Wu
Site Area: 2.4 HA
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查看完整版本: 常州万科金坛公园大道—漫公园景观设计|LabD+H