大阪棒球馆的关门,为靠近难波火车站的一个新商业区内的大规模改造提供了很好的机会,该火车站是从关西机场出发后的第一站。考虑到它的地理位置,难波电气铁路要求捷得创建一个可彰显大阪特质的门户。为此,捷得公司将难波公园设想成一个大型公园,为喧嚣嘈杂的大阪营造一处别样景观。When Osaka's baseball stadium closed its doors, it opened the door to a prime redevelopment opportunity in a new commercial district adjacent to Namba Train Station, the first stop from Kansai Airport. Given the location, owner Nankai Electric Railway asked Jerde to create a gateway that would redefine Osaka's identity. So Jerde conceived Namba Parks as a large park, a natural intervention in Osaka's dense and harsh urban condition.
Alongside a 30-story tower, the project features a lifestyle commercial center crowned with a rooftop park that crosses multiple blocks while gradually ascending eight levels.
In addition to providing a highly visible green component in a city where nature is sparse, the sloping park connects to the street, welcoming passers-by to enjoy its groves of trees, clusters of rocks, cliffs, lawn, streams, waterfalls, ponds and outdoor terraces.
Beneath the park, a canyon carves an experiential path through specialty retail, entertainment and dining venues. Namba Parks creates a new natural experience for Osaka that celebrates the interaction of people, culture and recreation.
基地面积: 8.33 英亩
总建筑面积: 243,800 平方米