ACA麦垦景观 发表于 2022-11-23 16:02:23



The project is located at the intersection of Guangqiao Road and Fengxing Road, Guangming District, Shenzhen, with good ecological resources around the site and more green park coverage.

项目紧邻26 万㎡百花园(原名为麒麟山公园),由光明区政府耗资数亿联袂国艺园林打造,生态资源极佳。
The project is close to 260,000 square meters of garden (formerly known as Qilin Mountain Park), by the Guangming District government spent hundreds of millions of dollars in cooperation with the national art garden to build, excellent ecological resources.

Due to the development and construction of the site, the ecological environment in some areas has beendestroyed.


How to solve the site problem and create a unique value system is the focus of the preliminary thinking of the project. We always believe that every project should have a unique character and temperament, that every piece of land deserves to be taken seriously, that every space has its own unique value and significance.


| 呼吸盒子,无界公园
场地策略01- 生态链接
- 借用“山势”,链接森林公园,复刻公园生态调性,恢复场地生态属性;
- Use "mountain scenery" to link the forest park; To form a breathing park community;
- 森林“融合”,以自然为底色,最大化绿化面积、最小化硬质景观为场地设计目标。
- Forest "integration", with nature as the background color, maximizing the green area and minimizing the hard landscape as the site design goals.
- 设想场地中种满了乔木,先形成一片森林,然后将建筑、生活场地等必要的设计要素放入森林之中,重叠之处的乔木将被删除掉,其目的是保证场地的乔木量属于最大化的状态,强调场地的生态属性。
- Implant "forest". It is assumed that the site is full of trees. First, a forest is formed, and then necessary design elements such as architecture and activity functions are put into the forest.


场地策略02- 功能链接
- 社区内为精细化的社区功能,社区外为强动态的公园功能,内外互补,形成无界双园的概念。
- "Suture" the mountain to restore the ecological attributes of the site and create a livable environment;


Hundred Garden is a comprehensive mountain park featuring trees, shrubs, vines and flowers, taking into account ecological reconstruction, sports, community leisure, science education.


| 如何提高客户的获得感
- 结合营销客研报告,设计充分了解到客户所需求的功能。在满足客户期待的这些功能以外,我们还为客户定制了其他的生活场景,提高客户的获得感。
- Combined with the marketing customer research report, design the functions that fully understand the needs of customers. In addition to these functions that meet customers' expectations, we also customize other life scenarios for customers to improve their sense of gain.

| 如何提高客户的认同感
- 高颜值的品质社区:将昭示性,品质感的场景结合归家动线来设计,臻享多重礼遇,为生活增添仪式感。
- Quality community with high appearance level: design the scene of announcement and quality sense with homecoming line to enjoy multiple courtesy and add a sense of ritual to life.

- 共融式的健康社区:家庭共融、亲子共融、长者共融、社区共融的四大功能体系生活场景,满足客户对美好生活的所有想象。
- Inclusive healthy community: four functional system life scenarios: family integration, parent-child integration, elderly integration, community integration, to meet all customers' imagination of a better life.

| 如何提高客户的体验感
- 社区内有“观园十二景”,社区外有生态公园,无界双园,身在园中且观园,无界的生活体验社区。
- There are 12 views in the community, and there is an ecological park outside the community. The product concept is to create an unbounded double garden.

项目的首开区核心展示" 观园十二景" 中的两个景观节点, 分布在社区主入口的位置。
The core of the first area of the project displays two landscape nodes in the "Twelve Views of the Garden", which are distributed at the main entrance of the community.

01 焕新城市形象(强界面)
The first zone is a physical display area, and the primary purpose is to refresh the city interface. The urban display interface is expanded horizontally, allowing the interface to form an infinite extension, creating a continuous municipal interface with a sense of marking domain.


02 尊贵酒店入口(强精工)
The guided pavement at the main entrance, combined with the overall design of linear floor lights, creates the interface with a sense of order, strengthening the spatial announcement and visual identification.



03 水院归家回廊(强礼仪)
The sunken courtyard forms a three-dimensional and multi-dimensional space. The wall of the cloister is a combination of virtuality and reality. Changhong glass is used as the wall material to introduce natural light and green landscape to the garage.



Graceful tallow is planted on the green island in the water, and the sun casts the shadow of dancing trees on the ground, creating a natural forest atmosphere, enhancing the artistic sense of the club, and forming a breathing natural art exhibition hall.


04 天光水上剧场(强体验)
Combined with indoor functions, the courtyard links the mountain park with the meaning of natural mountains and rivers to create a breathing park community. In the natural valley, there are not only green mountains, but also streams and waterfalls.



We abstracted the natural elements of mountain, water, stone and forest, and designed the scene to form a sky-lit water space, emphasizing the character of the sunken courtyard. The ground material in the courtyard is considered to be non-slip, and the sunken courtyard can become a small participatory garden when there is no water.




| 细致甄选
实体示范区仅有10 棵乔木,每一颗树的全貌都会展现到人的视线之内,必须细致甄选,为场地注入了生活的温度。
There are only 10 trees in the solid demonstration area, and the full picture of each tree will be shown to people's sight. It must be carefully selected to inject the temperature of life into the site.

| 精工细作
From the quality and texture of each piece of material, to the shape and size of each piece of material, we are strictly waiting for the future residents, only hope that in the beautiful picture, can feel a touch of moving and surprise.


| 设计为用户创造价值

首开区景观面积:3000 ㎡
交付区景观面积:22699 ㎡
竣工时间:2022 年8 月
业主工程团队:周致远、张德全、余帮伟、聂国强、牛成东、徐飞扬、 黄宏达、 张石浩、许堃、刘欣
景观设计:ACA 麦垦景观事业九部、事业四部
页: [1]
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