雨后景观 发表于 2022-11-23 18:14:35


—— 清|纳兰性德
▽ 鸟瞰图Bird’s view

四川省成都市蒲江县位于北纬30度,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,气候温和,雨量充沛,是世界公认的樱桃最佳种植区之一。熙锦5号位于蒲江东北向规划新区,交通配套完善,定位为高档改善型居住区。Pujiang County, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, at 30 degrees north latitude, has mild climate and abundant rainfall, and is recognized as one of the best cherry planting areas in the world. Xijin 5 is located in northeast of Pujiang, the developing area, with convenient traffic and sufficient Living facilities ,targeting as a high-rank residential project.
意境区景观设计范围分为前庭后院两部分。前庭占地面积约4500平,售楼期间用于项目景观展示,而后还绿于民,发挥城市广场绿地的作用;后院占地面积约520平,主要用作样板间看房通道。The landscape design scope of the sale area is divided into two parts: afront court and a backyard .Thefront court covers an area of about 4500 square meters, serves as a display area during the sale period and a urban space afterwards; the backyard covers an area of about 520 square meters between the sale house and the model villa.

前庭Front Court
设计初期项目团队便确立了兼顾售楼与城市绿地功能需求、无缝转换一次到位的原则,摒弃了售楼部意境区常用的神秘唯美仙气飘飘的路子,希望打造一个特别明媚亲民的开放空间,前期可满足景观视觉展示、亲子活动、市场推广等售楼需求,后期结合商业街形成以婚庆为主题的城市广场。At the beginning of the design, we have established a principle of taking into accountboth the functional needs asdisplay area and as urban space. Therefore, instead of emphasis on exclusive mysterious aesthetics which is broadly used at sales house, we try tocreate a bright customer friendly open space.
在这种思路的指导下,前庭空间结构非常简单明了:一组曲线围合多功能草坪,一条水景中轴引导人流。Under the guidance of this idea, the structure of the front court is very clear: a set of curves surrounds a multi-functional lawn, and a central axis of water guides the flow of people.
水景中轴:临街入口处镂空的案名景墙与休息景墙形成第一重空间层次;中间镜面流水墙分隔高层样板房区与开敞活动区,形成第二重空间层次;售楼部门口室内外水景贯通,形成第三重空间层次。虽有空间层次的划分,整个视线却极其通透开放,对客户甚至普通市民都呈欢迎接纳之态。Central axis: start with a LOGO wall and rest area ; in the middle of the axis is a mirror water wall which separates the high-rise model room area from the open activity area; at the end of the axis, the water feature extends into the sale house. Although there is a division of spatial levels, the whole space is quite open, showing sincere welcome to all customers and even pass-by citizens.
▽主入口Main entry


▽水景墙Water feature


锦桥:取意“繁花似锦”的曲线桥,不仅是视觉焦点,同时也是空间围合的要素,更重要的是提供了特别的空间体验。流动变化的桥面造型非常适于拍照打卡,有助于宣传推广;桥下设置转椅、吊篮、荡桥等儿童活动器械,充分利用空间同时保持了场地界面干净有序。Silk Bridge: The curved bridge is not only a visual hot spot but also a crucial element of spatial enclosure, and more importantly, it provides special experience.Flowing bridge shape is very suitable for taking pictures which helpsattracting publicity; space under the bridge is perfect for swivel chairs, hanging baskets, swing bridges and other children's activity equipment.
▽锦桥Silk Bridge

▽桥下儿童活动空间Under bridge Kids’ play area

多功能草坪:售楼期间可用于各种市场推广和客户群聚会活动,后期可服务于草坪婚礼、露天电影等城市功能。Multi-functional lawn: serves as a display area during the sale period is good for parties,and a urban space afterwards is good for weddings, open-air movies and other public activities.

后院作为商墅样板间的看房通道,设计希望在逼窄的空间里尽量创造丰富唯美的环境体验。设计手法上以单纯的曲线一以贯之,以线为路,以环为园,串联了一个小小的回路。出入口的弧形景墙、砾石青苔景观、围合空间遮挡建筑墙面的鸟笼围栏、天门冬/米仔兰/美人蕉等植物围合的花境、结合微地形,有效地增加了空间层次,形成步移景易的小游园。Inspiteof the space limit ,we hope to create beautiful environment experienceas much as possible.The curved walls fencing the entrance and exit, the gravel and moss landscape, the birdcage covered with roses , the mixed flower landscape, and the micro-terrain, effectively formed a small pleasant garden.

设计主题选用“樱桃小鸟”一方面因为樱桃是蒲江特产,地域认知度高;另一方面樱桃的娇艳欲滴、小鸟的莺声婉转,非常小巧、喜庆、家常、温和,与我们心目中理想的居住环境很吻合,充满人情味。Choose "cherry bird" as design theme on the one hand is because cherry is Pujiang’sspeciality with high geographical awareness; on the other hand, thejadelikecherry, the bird's euphemism, homely, but agreeable and delicate, suit our understanding of ideal living environment perfectly, full of human touch.
▽樱桃小鸟Cheery and bird

项目名称:成都市成锦建设有限公司 熙锦5号
Project name: XiJin No.5
Project location: 9 9 Mu Si, Pak Chong District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30130
Completion time: April,2020
Site area: 5020 Sq.m.
Owner & Developer: ChengDu ChengJin Devolopment Co.,ltd.
Landscape Design: After-Rain Landscape Design Studio
Landscape architect: Lei Bo, Pan Lu, Zhang Yan, Qiao Shuang, Guo Zhiheng, Wang Ju, Yin Juan
Architect: China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Corp. LTD
Interior design: Duowei Design/Shenzhen Wanxiang
C&S Engineering: Sichuan Impression Landscape Engineering Co. , Ltd.
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