城投绿城•凤起蘭庭生活美学馆,是绿城在成都落地的第二个“凤起”系项目。蘭庭美学馆兼付两个功能,一作为绿城凤起系居住诗意的生活美学展示,二作为未来交由青羊区政府,打造成为以“书院”为主题概念的社区图书馆、全龄化文化活动公园。蘭庭美学馆以巴蜀书院园林为骨架,运用了现代造园八法,将书院园林的诗意、禅境、宁静转化为生活美学的状态的人雅、功能的事雅和画面的境雅,叠合十八学士的雅集画面,将文人的九大雅事“焚香、品茗、听雨、赏雪、候月、酌酒、莳花、寻幽、抚琴”以空间“桐荫乐志”、“松岩听泉”、“平林侯月”等更多的情景形式融入到园林空间当中。CDCI&Greentown·Phoenix Mansion Lifestyle Art Center (hereinafter Phoenix Mansion) is the 2nd project of Greentown’s “Phoenix” series in Chengdu. The Phoenix Mansion is given two functions through the timeline. On the one hand, it is the media space for Greentown to show its “Phoenix” series’s poetic life aesthetics. On the other hand, in the future, it will be handed over to the Qingyang District Government and turned into a community library as well as a cultural park in the theme of “traditional academy”.
In general, the Phoenix Mansion relies on Szechuan traditional academy garden as the framework. From this, we adopted eight modern landscape syntax to convert the poetic and peaceful lifestyle of the traditional academy into three aspects — “elegance of human”, “elegance of activity” and “elegance of landscape”.
We also extracted 9 elegant activities from the classic painting “18 Scholars”, including “censing”, “tea tasting”, “rain listening”, “snow enjoying”, “sipping”, “flower cultivating”, “wandering” and “Guqin playing”. Through this, we expect to integrate more Chinese traditional scene into our landscape space.
▽项目鸟瞰图 Aerial view of the project
To present the most important part — “elegance of activity”, we hope to express it one by one from touching, smelling to listening. By combining the traditional Chinese culture “listening to the whisper of the drizzle” and “listening to the rhythm of Guqin strings”, the concept of “elegance of listening” comes alive.
▽The Melody Wafting Behind the Crane Painting Screen
This scene is inspired by the famous painting “Hepingtingqin” from Song’s emperor. We regard the hollowed-out wall as the traditional Chinese screen, with the rest of landscape hiding behind it. As a result, the enclosed back space also forms a separated yard for visiting.
▽Story of Bamboo and Drizzle
The second scene of “elegance of listening” — “listening to the whisper of the drizzle” and “listening to the rhythm of strings”. When walking into the bamboo grove along the stream, people are enclosed by the green. Take a deep breath here and close your eyes, you could reach a higher state of consciousness — inner peace.
▽Melodious Water Rhythm by the Pine Cliff
We derive this scene from the famous Chinese painting “Songyantingquan”, which describes a hermit enjoying the rhythm of waterfalls by the cliff with pine trees and seeking peace through meditation.
▽Exploring the Mysteries
We cleverly combined the common feature of water and bamboo, as both of them represent purity in our culture. The stream’s rhythm will guide you till you walk into a bamboo grove and come across the Mianyu Bridge. The calmness of bamboo grove, as well as the tenderness of water body make you completely integrated with nature.
To make the landscape match the graceful manner of Song’s hermits, our team has made many efforts. At the beginning of the design stage, we went to Japan for a 15-day excursion to explore the art of landscape stone layout. We summarized a specific plan for our stones by absorbing the essence from the excursion and our traditional culture.
Furthermore, in the later stage, we also went deep into Jiuhuangshan Mountain in Jiangyou for five times and carefully selected 103 landscape stones from the forest and river beds. Only stones with natural shape and texture would be selected. For those reasons, each stone in our space can be presented in perfect eventually.
Giving people the most comfortable feeling, the Phoenix Mansion is a spiritual scroll for all citizens who want to be a hermit. It is not only the collection of the landscape, but also the portrait of natural elements such as stone, flowers and animals. Each part is telling their own story, and everyone who comes here can interact with nature and experience the new sense of the landscape.