▼ 项目背景 Background of Project珠海,一个美丽的海滨城市,同时具备休闲和现代化的地域特色。横琴岛,随着大湾区规划,同时毗邻澳门,成为了珠澳出海口一颗极为璀璨的明珠。风从海上吹来,依稀可以听到澳门街的踢踏舞鞋的声音,夕阳西下,仿佛可以看着那些流金岁月在沙滩上熠熠生辉。Zhuhai, a beautiful and costal city for recreation and modernization.Along with the GBA project, Hengqin Island becomes a rising star within the Zhuhai- Macao port. When wind blow over the sea, we still can hear the sound of tap dance from Macao; when the sun comes down, we seem to see those golden time from past.
▼ 设计理念 Design Concept
我们在设计时由外向内,根据场地的推进,打造了一次从场地记忆到历史情怀的递进体验。According to the narrative of space itself, we considered the design from outside to inside, recreating a progressive experience based on historical emotion.
▼项目环境 Landscape of Project
华发广场作为结休闲娱乐及商业中心集一体的空间,富有静谧芬芳的绿植,也有悄然流淌的水景,一静一动,相互结合。Huafa Plaza combines leisure-entertainment and commercial centre into one space; it has scent of greenery and quietly flowing water, which responds to each other.
▼雕塑一:鱼篓雕塑Fish Basket Sculpture
入口处的鱼篓采用了现代化的结构拆解方式,以钢结构的形式进行拆解又重塑,与鱼篓的传统工艺进行了碰撞。At the entrance, Fish Basket sculpture is right at the centre, coming to our sight. It dis-assemblage structure in modern way;it takes apart and remould at the aspect of steel structure;the process runs into traditional craftsmanship of original fish basket.
The first draft of Fish Basket Sculpture was inspired by weave method of Fish Basket. Fish basket is soft and flexible, in which fishes jump up hardly so that deformation happens to water drop. Our idea is to present the weaving of fish basket with partition; the form imitates the shape of water drop as fish basket come out from water.
设计过程稿 Process Draft:
圆弧线的结构设计阐释了鱼篓的柔软与韧性,但深化的过程中由于受力的原因此方案最终被采纳。The arc-line represents softness and ductility of fish basket, however, the idea was rejected due to its unappropriated carrying capacity.
最终定稿Final Draft:
为了不影响鱼篓的设计概念,雕塑的结构遵循了‘编织’的原理。在白色隔断之间加入了竖向的支撑点以解决了受力的问题,也离不开‘编织’的概念。In order not to influence the concept of fish basket, the structure follows the principle of weave. Between the horizontal partition,we did increase certain vertical pressure point so that the main idea is not influenced.
▼雕塑二:月亮门雕塑 Moon Gate Sculpture
月亮门雕塑坐落于水景中,黄昏时分落日缓缓落下,从远处看这落日仿佛定格在月亮门的画框中。从月亮门雕塑向外看,可以目睹澳门塔与城市的海岸线。Moon Gate sculpture locates on water. At dusk, the sun comes down slightly until it falls into the moon gate,which seems to be a painting. Also,we can see the Macao Tower and city skyline through Moon Gate.
月亮门雕塑的设计初稿,灵感来源于月亮的阴晴圆缺。月亮看似有规律的变化,实则在不同地方角度观察会有独特的变幻。The process draft of Moon Gate sculpture is inspired by ‘The moon dims or shines, it waxes or wanes.’The moon seems to change appearance regularly, however,it is particularly different by observing from different angles.
月亮门采用参数化设计的手法,进行切割旋转拼接而成,丰富了层次感的同时,也成为时尚艺术创意与现代商业融合的载体。给你在不同的视角带来独特视觉体验。然而,与鱼篓前后形成景观对景与聚焦点。Parametric design was applied on Moon Gate sculpture,to have it cut and joint in rotation that enriches layering. In the meantime, it becomes carrier for combination of fashion-art and commerce, providing a extraordinary visual experience. Also, it responses to Fish Basket sculpture through its material and expression.
项目名称| 珠海华发广场-4 50#营销中心展示区雕塑结构设计
设计团队| 屈婕、冯浩彬、陈景欣、黄桂锐、周晶
业主单位| 珠海琴发实业有限公司
甲方核心团队| 安志刚、柯尊富、易帆、代洪俊
项目摄影| 杭州三映文化创意有限公司
项目地址| 广东省·珠海
雕塑设计| 广州艺荟棠文化创意有限公司
项目成本| 月亮门 75万 、鱼篓20万
项目建成时间| 2019年年底
其他相关单位| 璞慧/普梵思洛景观设计有限公司
Project Name:
Sculpture Design For Zhuhai Huafa Plaza - 4 50# Sales Centre
Sculpture Design:
Art Plus Hope
Design Team:
Jane Q.\Haobing Feng\Jingxin Chen\Guirui Huang\Jing Zhou
Zhuhai Qinfa
Client Team:
Zhigang An\Zunfu Ke\Fan Yi\Hongjun Dai
Hangzhou Sanyin Culture and Creative
Project Location:
Zhuhai, Guangdong
Project Cost:
Moon Gate ¥750,000\Fish Basket ¥200,000
Completion Time: End of 2019
Landscape Design: PASNO & PFOR