招商·领玺是由前海管理局和招商局集团在前海妈湾片区开发建设的第一个住宅花园。 领玺家园作为前海自由贸易中心综合地块启动区三个地块之一, 地块面积约1.37公顷,与丝路长廊(绿轴公园)、荟同学校为邻。
Lingxi Garden is the first residential garden developed and constructed by Qianhai Administration and China Merchants Group in the Mawan area of Qianhai. As one of the three plots of the Qianhai Free Trade Center Comprehensive Plot Startup Zone, Lingxi Homeland has an area of about 1.37 hectares and is adjacent to the Silk Road Corridor (Green Axis Park) and Huitong School.
As a high-quality shared urban center in Qianhai Mawan area, the original intention of the AECOM team was to maximize the space value of the site, provide free dream-making space for urban life, and create an innovative outdoor living environment experience.
如何为启动区三个不同的地块( 办公塔楼、公寓、住宅) 确定设计主题及定位,并相互形成一体的景观空间,是项目团队面临的挑战之一。 经过与委托方、规划、建筑团队多次设计工作营讨论,确定了从”连接自然”, 到 “高山流水”、”曲水流香 ”三个不同主题的设计演绎。 在“曲水流香”的主题下,我们寻找都市森林中宜居绿谷, 感受时有落花至,远随流水香的漂浮丛林景观。
One of the challenges faced by the project team was how to determine the design theme and positioning for the three different plots (office towers, apartments, and residences) in the start-up area and form an integrated landscape space with each other. After several design workshop discussions with the client, planning, and construction teams, the design interpretation of three different themes from "connection to nature" to "high mountain and flowing water" and "curved water and flowing fragrance" was determined. Under the theme of "Mixed Water Flowing Fragrance", we searched for the livable green valleys in the urban forests, and felt the floating jungle landscape where the flowers fell from time to time and the fragrance of the water flowed far away.
我们把领玺家园,界定为相邻的妈湾绿轴公园的一部分。呼应绿轴公园,引入绿色、艺术、健康理念,形成渗透一体的公园景观。取代传统的高端住宅的深宅大院入口和高墙, 我们采用虚实相替、动态变化的入口和无边界的围墙概念,这也是领玺家园不同于其它住宅项目的地方之一。
We define Lingxi Homestead as a part of the adjacent Mawan Green Axis Park. In response to the Green Axis Park, the concept of green, art, and health is introduced to form a permeable park landscape. Instead of the entrances and high walls of the traditional high-end residences, we adopted the concept of substitution of virtual and real, dynamic entrances and borderless walls. This is also one of the differences between Lingxi Homes and other residential projects.
设计以“曲水流香”作为设计创作主题 , 受音乐奏鸣曲式变化启发,演绎“曲水流香”的极致游园体验。总体布局上,以”绿基底”、”曲水项链”、”门户”、“漂浮的竹丛森林会客厅”、”梦境花园”等五个层次构成。”绿基底”以绿廊道公园3.36公顷绿化空间渗透的绿地毯作为设计的基底,整合所有的活动空间和消防场地。”曲水项链”在归家路线上,环绕会客厅和种植池的层级跌水,共同营造虚实交替的曲水环绕的意象。”门户”独具仪式感的前场门户,突显高端住宅的独特的沿街展示面,也是进入内院,在起承转合路线上的转换空间。“漂浮的竹丛森林会客厅”营造独一无二的水上竹丛森林,疏密交错,连同倒影,打造曲水流香极致意境。休憩区,为友聚、社交洽谈提供理想的户外会客厅。”梦境花园”在立体全龄活动区,设置可以刺激感官,提供互动,探索或冥想的空间。
The design uses "Qushui Liuxiang" as the theme of design creation, inspired by the changes of musical sonata styles, and interprets the ultimate garden experience of "Qushui Liuxiang". The overall layout is composed of five levels: "green base", "curved water necklace", "gateway", "floating bamboo forest living room", and "dream garden". "Green Base" uses the green carpet infiltrated by the 3.36 hectares of green space in the Green Corridor Park as the design base, integrating all activity spaces and fire-fighting venues. On the return home route, the "Qushui Necklace" drops water around the living room and the planting pond, creating the image of alternating virtual and real curved water. "Portal" The front door with unique ritual sense highlights the unique display surface of high-end residences along the street and is also a transition space for entering the inner courtyard and on the route of starting, carrying, and turning. The "floating bamboo forest living room" creates a unique water bamboo forest, densely interlaced, and with reflections, creating the ultimate artistic conception of curved water and flowing fragrance. The rest area provides an ideal outdoor living room for friends gathering and social negotiation. The "Dream Garden" is set up in the three-dimensional all-age activity area to stimulate the senses and provide a space for interaction, exploration or meditation.
◎ “绿基底” 鸟瞰图
◎ “门户”及“曲水项链”在归家路线上的展示 – 浮水之上的主入口门廊
◎“曲水项链”在归家路线上的展示 – 浮水之上的主入口门廊
◎“曲水项链”在归家路线上的展示 – 浮水之上的主入口门廊
◎ “曲水项链”在归家路线上的展示 – 浮水之上的主入口门廊
◎ “曲水项链”在归家路线上的展示 – 穿越主入口门廊
◎ “曲水项链”在归家路线上的展示 – 漂浮森林会客厅
◎ “曲水项链”在归家路线上的展示 – 曲水环绕会客厅
◎ “曲水项链”在归家路线上的展示 – 曲水环绕会客厅
◎ “曲水项链”在归家路线上的展示 – 单元入口
◎“梦境花园”- 儿童乐园
◎“梦境花园”- 儿童乐园
◎“梦境花园”- 儿童乐园
◎“梦境花园”- 回转广场
◎“梦境花园”- 入户主题花园
◎“梦境花园”- 入户主题花园
Landscape design has the following six design highlights:
Three-dimensional compound all-age activity venue. From the ground floor, overhead floor to the refuge floor, fitness activity spaces are tailored for residents of different ages.
◎“梦境花园”- 成人健身区
二、 呼应“曲水流香”设计主题,重点设计漂浮的竹丛森林和户外会客厅。
Echoing the design theme of "Aromatic Water Necklace", focusing on the design of floating bamboo forests and outdoor living rooms.
三、 艺术展示花园。 在归家路线上,引入装置艺术,让漫步艺术廊道带你回家。
Art exhibition garden. On the homecoming route, introduce installation art, and let the art gallery walk you home.
四、 精致、层次丰富的都市绿洲。不同空间,突出极简精致与多层种植的不同手法,营造种植奇幻探索的五感旅程。
A refined and rich urban oasis. Different spaces highlight the different methods of minimalism, refinement, and multi-layer planting, creating a five-sense journey of planting fantasy exploration.
五、 极致舒适的五感景观。 注重视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉不同感官的景观体验。利用多种景观材料和造景手法,创造精致舒适的花园利用。
The five senses landscape of ultimate comfort. Pay attention to the landscape experience with different senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Use a variety of landscape materials and landscaping techniques to create exquisite and comfortable garden use.
六、 无微不至的居住体验。 花园内儿童活动区域设置婴儿车停放位;休闲空间设置室外电源和WIFI等智能设施,关爱生活的每一处细节,使住户体验到家的温暖和细心。
The meticulous living experience. There are baby stroller parking spaces in the children's activity area in the garden; the leisure space is equipped with smart facilities such as outdoor power supply and WIFI, caring for every detail of life, so that residents can experience the warmth and care of home.
业主:深圳招商房地产有限公司、 深圳市前海蛇口启迪实业有限公司
景观设计单位:AECOM Shenzhen
设计团队成员:沈同生、Daniel Corteza、Paul Blazek、罗锦斌、余少娜、梁锦霞、Jason Pasion、梁丽、胡星星、卢如容、李曼、黄家恒、林子检、周佳梦、叶琪安、张浩男
设计阶段:概念到扩初设计 + 现场施工配合服务