Haiyi Nanhai New Economic Town is located in the Guicheng Street, Nanhai Suburb, Foshan. The site used to be the Tongchu Logistics Center, however, with the rapid development of the Foshan city, the giant scale of logistics center in the city center has become a problem. It is not only a waste of resources in terms of the limited city land, but also a limitation for improving the living environment and stimulating the vitality of the city. Therefore, the relocation and the renovation of the logistics center is not doubt an inevitable consequences. Especially the potential reuse of the lagre-scale storage area, has become a common issue across a lot of central suburbs.
△ 场地原貌
This project aims to renovate and upgrade a large number of large-scale storage buildings in the existing Tongchu Logistics Center in terms of spacial sequences and architectural forms. By introducing new industries and renovating the architectural spaces, the idle large-scale storage will be reutilised with adapativity and the existing logistics center will be transfored into a new type of industrial complex that can bring positive effects to the city center.
Overall Plan
The biggest feature of the Tongshu Logistics Center is its suprisingly long span – the size of a warehouse can be up to 200m*100m and the internal road for transportation is almost 45m wide. Based on this situation, the most important task through the design process is to transform the logistics center from a warehouse that only for goods transpotation to a comfortable space that fits to human scale.
△ 场地巨大的尺度
The main concern of the large-span is the lighting and ventilation inside of the building. If the span is too long, the ventilation and lighting conditions cannot meet the requirements of the new industries. Therefore, in order to solve these problems, atrium and courtyard spaces are introduced into the factory to improve the natural lighting and vantilation. The large-scale building is reorganizedalong the atrium and the courtyard to enusre a smooth movement in between the sapces.
The atrium is designed as a central circulation space and visitors are able to access differernt part of the building from here. The existing warehouse is then divided into multiple functional groups, connecting to the atrium via corridors in between. As a result, a three-dimensional public space will be created around the atrium, and the new conenctions will be built between the different functional groups inside and the surroundingarchitectural spaces outside. By reorganising the spaces and improving the circulation, the entire suburb will be merged into a larger complex and the boundaries between the exisitng building and the public space will be blurred and redefined.
The second issue is to cope with the ultra-wide transition road. This pathway was designed for heavy trucks and not allowed any shades along with it. It is obviously very unfriendly in terms of the human comfort, especially in the hot and humid southern area. Therefore, to minimise the effects of the exising ultra-wide road, new building volumes are inserted to divide the road into two pedestrian streets with relatively comfortable scales. Followed by the different combination and the consistency of building volumes, the open spaces will be shaped as a series of courtyards. It not only creates a retractable relationship between the streets, the squares and the courtyards, but also improves the circulation between the existing buildings. Moreover, the application of the green spaces in the courtyards and the atrium, will further create a low-density open space with a pleasant visiting experience.
Featured Brick Facade
The existing façade has merely architectural features. Therefore, through the renovation process, the symbolic industrial symbols are extracted and applied to the propsed facade. It is hoped that the existing structure can be preserved as a memory of the industrial age and an inspiration of the creativity. In order to maintain the unity of the industrial features and the façade design, a variety of brick designs is adopted.
Building A - The characteristic brick wall is applied to the façade and the perforated bricks are connected with steel bars, fixing on the L-plates. By twisting the bricks with different angles, a variety of brick patterns is illustrated on the facade.
Building B - The façade adopts the same construction method as Building A and further introduces hollowed rust steel plates and the characteristic brick walls, to create a rich façade visual effect.
Building C - The characteristic brick wall of the proposed building is composed of bricks with three different colors, which are divided into six groups of templates according to the width of the brick wall. However, because of the large volume of construction, it is very difficult to ensure the accuracy during the assemblage. Therefore, in order to reduce the construction diffculties, the tolerance of brick wall construction is considered in the design stage. As long as the overall orientation of the bricks and the proportions of the different colored bricks are consistent with the templates, any subtle differences are allowed in the construction process. As a result, each characteristic brick wall will have a consistent effect but subtle differences, increasing the diversity and dynamism of the façade.
Application of the new material
在外立面的改造中,我们在局部重点位置置入了一些特色材料如炫彩玻璃、波纹不锈钢和穿孔铝板等新材料,形成了丰富的立面变化。同时,在人行主入口的位置,C仓东北转角的外立面使用了渐变穿孔铝板。通过参数化控制穿孔大小展现与室内功能新科技新互联相关的折线图案,并通过加入不同的灯光强化渐变效果,使其变为园区主入口的“标志物”。 园区通过新材料的材质、颜色和角度等创新组合,打造了具有沉浸式体验的特色体验空间,为园区吸引更多的人流。
In the renovation of the façade, a few new materials are selected and applied to create a dynamic façade - such as colorful glass, corrugated stainless steel and perforated aluminum plate. Simultaneously, at the northeast corner of the Building C, a gradient perforated aluminum plate is applied to the façade of the main entrance. Through the parametric control of the size of the perforation, variable linear patterns that related to interior functions are formed to create a sense of new technology. Different lighting systems are also applied to enhance the gradient effect, making the entrance as a highlight in the complex. Overall, based on the different combinations of new materials, the application of colors and the innovative construction of brick assemblage, the facade will create a characteristic space with immersive experience, which will attract more people to visit and ensure a positive effect on the proposed complex.
△ 波纹板
主创设计:竖梁社 Atelier cnS
项目负责人:林海锐Hairui Lin
项目规模:占地面积:79000 ㎡