Central Village经营理念是以泰国的传统区别于其他国家的奢侈品商店。Central Village是泰国第一个国际奥特莱斯购物村,旨在提供非同寻常的体验式购物,即使来此的游客没有任何关于泰国的经验或知识,也能立即理解和感受到泰国的特殊氛围。独特的半户外购物空间从总体规划到每一个细节如传统的住房,纯粹的材料,美丽的图案,人的工艺和水的生活,与茂盛的树叶和热带植物的设计,都以现代与传统泰国特色为设计主题。Central Village operating under the concept of Thai identity and characteristics to differentiate from premium outlets in other country. Central Village is Thailand’s first international outlet shopping village offering extraordinary experiencing shopping among visualize and materialize the Thai-ness that everyone can instantly understand and relate to even without any prior experience or knowledge about the country. The unique semi-outdoor shopping space enhanced by modernized Thai character from master planing to every details. The traditional and identity housing, pure materials, beautiful patterns, man crafting and water living, with the lush foliage and tropical vegetations by designed.
惊叹于现代泰国建筑的优雅屋檐和复杂的外墙设计,景观概念设计的灵感来自于传统的暹罗河畔生活。Chaopraya河是暹罗的主要河流和生活中心。Central Village以村庄的分区为主,它隐喻了宫殿(如豪华法庭)和4个村庄群之间的传统生活。泰国人的纯正材料和工艺反映在4个区域,木头区、模具区、柳条区和金属区。 每一个区都有自己的专长和美丽的、郁郁葱葱的景观,以不同的形状和形式创造一个令人难忘的购物体验。钻石形状,折叠门,水上市场,水边的房子,盆景,木制品,金属工艺品,都是这个项目的意义所在。
Marvel at a modern Thai architecture with its elegant gable roofs and intricate façade designs. Landscape concept design was inspired from traditional Siam riverside living. Chaopraya river is main river and living heart of Siam (Rattanakosin Island). Central village is dominated by zoning of village which metaphor from traditional living between palace (as Luxury court) and 4 village clusters. The Pure materials and crafting workmanship of Thai people reflects into 4 zoning, Wood zone, Mold zone, Wicker zone and metal zone.Each with their own specialization and beautiful, lush landscaping with differences shape and form to create an unforgettable shopping experience. Diamond-shape, folding door, water market, waterfront house, potted, woodwork, metal craft that’s all make sense of place to this project.
Due to, this site location recently flood area which is difficult to control the flooding level. Our design team delicately to solve problems by elevating all structure over the flood area. Therefore, less light level condition and salty soil quality, Plant species were selected to solve these existing site conditions to accomplish this successful project. Land cut and fill to support the water flood level. Meanwhile, deconstruction cost by planting tall trees from the lower level area and penetrate void some area for growing the tree from bottom up to above for increase shade and natural space.
Every detail at Central Village, We strive to make luxury Thai’s modern design more accessible and outstanding from any other outlets in the world. Indulge a first Bangkok Luxury Outlet experience that everyone will find worth it.
Project name: Luxury Outlet Central Village
Company name: Redland-scape.Ltd.
Website: www.redland-scape.com
Contact e-mail: infos@redland-scape.com
Project location: Suvannabhumi, Bangkok, Thailand
Completion Year: 2019
Building area (m²): 40,000 sqm.
Other participants: Central Pattana development