land80 发表于 2015-7-14 23:41:35


<table width="98%" class="t_table"><tbody><tr><td><div align="left"><div align="left"><font size="2"><b>Project Name: </b>人工干预—峡谷上的景观瞭望台</font></div><div align="left"><font size="2"><b>Design:</b> Dellekamp Arquitectos</font></div><div align="left"><font size="2"><b>Project Type:</b>&nbsp; &nbsp;旅游景观&nbsp;&nbsp;景观设施设计&nbsp;&nbsp;城市峡谷</font><font size="2">景观设计</font></div><div align="left"><font size="2"><b>Key words</b>:&nbsp; &nbsp;景观瞭望塔&nbsp;&nbsp;景观瞭望台&nbsp; &nbsp;景观设计&nbsp;&nbsp;景观设施设计&nbsp;&nbsp;峡谷 </font><font size="2">观光设施&nbsp;&nbsp;园林景观&nbsp; &nbsp; Cafeteria mirador 景观&nbsp;&nbsp;瞭望台&nbsp;&nbsp;景观建筑 </font></div><div align="left"><font size="2">All photos :© Dellekamp&nbsp; &nbsp;Text译:<a href="" target="_blank">zoscape</a></font></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table><br><div align="center"><img width="900" _height="1" src="" border="0" alt=""></div><br><br> 峡谷可以按照峡谷的自然地理特征,峡谷所处的河段、形态、形成时的地质营力、两岸岩石性质等进行分类.峡谷有着丰富的资源,包括水力资源、生态环境资源和旅游资源等。峡谷风光是由峡谷形成的一种自然景象。峡谷景观具有美学特征,也具有观光和科学文化旅游价值.峡谷旅游资源在旅游中占有重要位置,峡谷旅游一直以来被人们所重视。针对在峡谷地带的景观规划,设计师一般较少的采用人工干预,而是过多的模拟自然。力求与大自然美妙风景的融合。<br><div align="center"></div><br><br>项目位于TOA’s (Taller de Operaciones Ambientales) 片区,这个地块包含一个风景名胜区和峡谷风光区域还有一个自然博物馆,而且已经做好了修建性规划,景观建筑师在当地所做的城市绿化总规范围内,修建了一处人工景观——The Look-out point and coffee-restaurant峡谷上的景观瞭望台。<br><div align="center"></div><br>峡谷上的景观瞭望台倚靠在一个大山坡上,前面是壮丽的峡谷景观。瞭望台就是一个挑空的,浮在山坡上的简单木质平台,下面依靠“斜腿”与山坡固定。咖啡厅隐藏在下方的山体之中,使用时需要拉开滑动的地板,通过一个单独的楼梯下达,因此人们在地面上完全看不见咖啡厅,咖啡厅里的大玻璃幕墙也保证了这里有着非常良好的景观视线。景观瞭望台和底下毫不突出的咖啡厅建筑,巧妙的融入峡谷,让人们饱览胜景的同时,自己也充当了风景。<br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br><br>This is a neutral architectonic intervention that complements TOA’s (Taller de Operaciones Ambientales) landscaping masterplan and Herzog de Meuron’s Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporαneo (Modern and Contemporary Art Museum) located in the Parque Mirador Independencia of Guadalajara, Jalisco. The Look-out point and coffee-restaurant rivet the natural disemboguement of Av. Independencia but unobtrusively align to the sliding gesture of the landscape. Both facilities were achieved through a single architectonic maneuver that consisted of an excavation and displacement of the look-out ground onto a jutting platform.<br><div align="center"></div><br>At ground level, only a slender slab projected over the gorge is visible. In prima facie, a visitor would have the impression of stepping onto a floating sheet of concrete. The true depth of the observation deck is concealed by the diagonal slant of its corbel underbelly and the overall structure is securely fastened by a parallel bridge devised in similar fashion.<br>The coffee-restaurant, located in an underground pit preceding the observation platform, is totally invisible at ground level. The excavated grotto adds to the ‘floating deck’ effect of the look-out point. Both amenities are the result, as it were, of sliding a matchbox open. The service area is also located underground and may be doubly accessed through the coffee‐restaurant and an independent lateral stairway. Also, the coffee lounge lying below the look-out enjoys large window panes gazing over the gorge and connects directly to a stairway leading to TOA’s open amphitheater down in the ravine.<br><div align="center"></div><br><br><br><br>
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