Eran 发表于 2015-7-30 22:00:14

Regional Biofarming新农村规划效果图

图片关键词:Regional Biofarming   新农村规划   田园规划   景观规划   效果图   景观设计   都市景观设计   
These new ways of thinking and producing are often very small scale and local, and don’t make a big impact on the complete chain of production and consumption just yet. LOLA wants to contribute to this impact and researched / designed two new ways to produce biological pig meat and eggs at a regional scale. The first step is to get rid of the present 136 Agriculture Development Areas (Landbouwontwikkelingsgebieden), since their location is often not logical and the last years have proven that these areas don’t work. Instead, the proposal is to install 22 sustainable farming regions. Each of these regions produce as local and biological as possible. Generic eggs become Barnevelder eggs, generic pig meat becomes Bonte Bentheimer meat.

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