Redevelopment of otto park in Berlin德国柏林旧公园景观改造
Project Name: Redevelopment of otto park in Berlin德国柏林旧公园景观改造Location: 德国柏林Project Type:公园景观规划设计 公园景观改造设计Key words:公园室外公园 公园规划公园设计公园意向图 公园景观公园景观设计城市公园公园意向 景观公园 城市公园景观 公园景观规划公园规划设计 公园景观改造 公园景观重建 景观改造 景观重建 公园改建 园林景观 景观设计 景观创新All photos :© Latz + Partner 文字/翻译zoscape
Another new element with a similar shape to the island-like hedges is to be found in all parts of the park and adds a recognisable and distinctive design feature; the “pebble seats” are organically shaped stones positioned next to the historic park furniture and, as well as providing seating, also serve as play elements.
Healthy mature trees inside the park are retained whilst all other vegetation is thinned out. Light and warmth will flood the park, great vistas opened up and expansive lawns and areas of crushed gravelcreated for various activities.
A comprehensive programme is proposed for the park with the objective of accommodating the different interests of users in adequate and safe spaces.