Anne 发表于 2015-9-24 13:47:48

德国柏林Potsdamer Plaza广场水景设计

Project Name: 德国柏林Potsdamer Plaza广场水景设计Location: 德国柏林Project Type: 广场景观设计 广场水系设计 广场水景景观设计Key words:景观水景设计 景观水景 水景意向 镜面水景 园林水景 水景 创意水景水景设计 水景景观设计广场水景 水景意向图水景观 建筑水景设计 水景细部 广场水景设计 广场水系设计 德国柏林 波茨坦广场水景 Potsdamer PlazaAll photos :©Atelier Dreiseitl文字/翻译zoscape

The iconic Potsdamer Plaza bridges the scar left by the wall between East and West Berlin. A veil of shallow flow-steps create a rhythmic surface of shimmering waves, providing multiple opportunities for people to cross and interact with the water. This urban waterscape has contributed to make Potsdamer Plaza one of the most visited places in Berlin.

标志性的Potsdamer Plaza承载着东、西柏林分裂而遗留的历史创伤。德国柏林Potsdamer Plaza水景如薄沙般浅浅的流动台阶在微风拂动下,形成波光粼粼的韵律表面,为人们提供更多的亲水、戏水乐趣。德国柏林Potsdamer Plaza水景设计使得Potsdamer Plaza成为柏林著名的游览场所之一。

The idea behind this important urban waterscape is that the rainwater should be used where it falls. At Potsdamer Plaza, a combination of green and non-green roofs harvestthe annual rainfall. Rainwater then flows through the site’s buildings and is used for toilet flushing, irrigation, and fire systems. Excess water flows into the pools and canals of the outdoor waterscape creating an oasis for urban life.

德国柏林Potsdamer Plaza水景设计之中蕴含的理念即为,雨水在降落之地即应被就地使用。在Potsdamer Plaza,绿化屋顶和非绿化屋顶的结合设计可以获取全年降雨量。雨水从建筑屋顶流下,作为冲厕、灌溉和消防用水,过量的雨水则可以流入户外水景的水池和水渠之中,为城市生活增色添彩。植被净化群落融入到德国柏林Potsdamer Plaza水景景观设计之中用以过滤和循环流经街道和步道的水质、水体,而无任何化学净水制剂的使用。湖水水质很好,为动植物创造了一个自然的栖息场所。同时,由于净化雨水的再利用,也使得建筑内部净水使用量得以减少。自1998年建成之后,Potsdamer Plaza已经成为一个开放空间重获生机的成功案例。在Potsdamer Plaza,城市生活、杰出的建筑创作和魅力的水景实现了和谐统一。

Vegetated biotopes are integrated into the overland landscape and serve to filter and circulate the water that runs along streets and walkways, all without the use of chemicals. The lake’s water quality is excellent forming a natural habitat and fresh water usage in the buildings has been reduced. Since 1998, Potsdamer Plaza stands as a successful example of a revitalized open space where city life, prestigious architecture, and the beauty of water are in harmony.

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