<table class="t_table"><tbody><tr><td><div align="left"><font size="2">Project Name:新加坡加冷河和碧山宏茂桥公园景观修复设计</font></div><div align="left"><font size="2">Location: 新加坡</font></div><div align="left"><div align="left"><font size="2">Project Type: 河岸景观规划设计 公园景观设计 公园景观修复 河流水渠修复</font></div><div align="left"><font size="2">Key words: 公园 室外公园 公园规划 公园设计 公园意向图 公园景观 生态公园 滨江公园 公园景观设计 绿色公园 城市公园 公园意向 景观公园 城市公园景观 公园景观规划 公园规划设计 滨河公园 城市河畔 河滨 河岸规划 滨江河流设计 河岸景观设计 河道景观 河道综合整治 滨河公园 河岸滨水改造 河道 河流 河道规划 河流景观 河岸公园 河岸设计 滨河改造 滨河景观设计 河滩景观 生态修复 景观修复</font></div><div align="left"><font size="2">All photos :© Atelier Dreiseitl 文字/翻译</font><a href="" target="_blank">zoscape</a></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table><br><div align="center"><img width="900" _height="1" src="" border="0" alt=""></div><br><br>新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园作为新加坡市中心区域最受欢迎的公园之一,急需规划升级。与此同时进行的还有新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园沿线的加冷河水渠修复计划,将单一功用性的混凝土结构河道转变为自然式河流,以创造社区居民能够充分享用的新型城市空间。在新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园,长2.7km的笔直混凝土排水渠已经恢复为长3.2km的弯曲、自然式河流,蜿蜒穿过新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园。62公顷的新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园空间被重新进行设计,以适应包括水位波动等的河流系统的动态过程,为使用者提供最大化收益。加冷河水渠修复使用原有混凝土水渠改造而来的回收石材,建造了三个游乐场,一处餐厅,以及全新的瞭望台。大量的绿色开放空间也为城市中心区生态修复河流形成的自然奇观提供了有益的补充。<br><div align="center"><br></div><div align="center"></div><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br>Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park is one of Singapore’s most popular parks in the heartlands of Singapore. As part of a much-needed park upgrade and plans to improve the capacity of the Kallang channel along the edge of the park, works were carried out simultaneously to transform the utilitarian concrete channel into a naturalised river, creating new spaces for the community to enjoy. At Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park, a 2.7 km long straight concrete drainage channel has been restored into a sinuous, natural river 3.2 km long, that meanders through the park. Sixty-two hectares of park space has been tastefully redesigned to accommodate the dynamic process of a river system which includes fluctuating water levels, while providing maximum benefit for park users. Three playgrounds, restaurants, a new look out point constructed using the recycled walls of the old concrete channel, and plenty of open green spaces complement the natural wonder of an ecologically restored river in the heartlands of the city. This is a place to take your shoes off, and get closer to water and nature!<br>新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园和加冷河水渠修复的动态整合,为新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园打造了一个全新的、独特的标识。崭新、美丽的软景加冷河河岸景观培养了人们对河流的归属感,人们对河流不再有障碍,恐惧和距离,他们能够更加近距离的接触水体、河流,他们开始享受和保护河流。此外,在遇到特大暴雨时,紧挨新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园的陆地,可以兼作输送通道,将水排到下游。新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园是一个启发性的案例,新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园展示了如何使城市公园作为生态基础设施,与水资源保护和利用巧妙融合在一起,起到洪水管理、增加生物多样性和提供娱乐空间等多重功用。人们和水的亲密接触,提高了公民对于环境的责任心。<br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br>土壤生态工法技术被应用于新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园进行河流堤岸的加固。新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园既是将土木工程设计原理与植物和自然材料,如能够防止侵蚀并减缓水流的石材相结合。不像其他技术之中植物仅仅发挥美化功用,在土壤生态工法中,植物扮演重要的结构控制元素,它们的根基能够稳固河岸。因植物和自然材料的使用,土壤生态工法结构同时具备动态演变和适应环境的能力,它们进行持续的自我修复和生长。因此长期来讲,相比于硬质的混凝土结构,新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园建造成本低廉且经济维护、持久。<br>Ecology has been another key priority from the get-go of the design process, especially since the geographical context of Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park has endowed it with a fantastic potential for biodiversity. The naturalised river teems with life, as the use of soil bioengineering techniques has created a huge variety of microhabitats, which not only increase biodiversity but also ensure the resilience of the species within the park, thus ensuring their long-term ability to survive. The ecology of the site has been monitored throughout the construction process and it is estimated that biodiversity has increased by 30 percent with the completion of the project.<br><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br><div align="center"><img width="900" _height="600" src="" border="0" alt=""></div><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><p>
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