Project Name: 意大利威尼斯社区公园景观设计Location: 意大利威尼斯Project Type: 公园景观规划设计 公园景观设计 社区公园景观设计Key words: 公园 社区公园 室外公园 公园规划公园设计公园意向图 公园景观 生态公园公园景观设计 绿色公园城市公园 公园意向 景观公园城市公园景观 公园景观规划公园规划设计居住区公园 居民区公园景观All photos :©Cino Zucchi Architetti 文字/翻译zoscape
The public commission by the city of San Donà di Piave to design a small neighborhood parkwas the occasion to experiment on the theme of a contemporary public space in this “middle landscape”. The initial data were somehow discouraging; a poor design of the new street network, mediocre architectural solution for the houses, little or no public services to animate the new space, but more that that the strongly “residual” character of the plot assigned to the park, with little public accessibility and cut off from the main street by a planned parking lot.
意大利威尼斯San Donà di Piave社区公园是圣多纳迪皮夫城市中一个小型的社区公园,这个社区没有多少公共用地,仅有的空地也存在可达性不高的问题。意大利威尼斯San Donà di Piave社区公园的出现改变了这一不良现状。意大利威尼斯San Donà di Piave社区公园的南部面向主要公路,意大利威尼斯San Donà di Piave社区公园内部的铺装是白色的水洗石,这白色的铺装如同自然地貌般起伏着,形成小山,盆地,还有聚会的座椅,喷泉,道路,儿童乐园,野餐点。树木,灯具,以及被树木穿过的白色石凳,无一不定义着意大利威尼斯San Donà di Piave社区公园的空间,并在不同的季节为人们带来不同的小气候。
The shape of the given plot surrounded by two-to-four floors high houses has been redesigned to open it up to the south toward the main street. Next to this main access, the planned parking has been turned ninety degrees to form a bean-shaped surface paved in brightly coloured asphalt and screened by an earth dune recalling the river dams of the context.
整个意大利威尼斯San Donà di Piave社区公园连续而统一,白色的路面串起所有的功能,夜晚来临,修长的灯杆泛光灯源照射着下方柔和的路径。如今意大利威尼斯San Donà di Piave社区公园变成一个非常热闹的聚会场所,全天候的迎接各种各样的人们,读书看报,骑山地车,闲聊,玩音乐都是人们的乐趣活动。
A continuous earthwork, rather than a number of separated “services”, respond to the few needs of “well-being” and leisure of a park, contributing to reduce the visual and spatial disorder of the suburban sprawl.