Project Name:德国巴格里亚水上长桥景观设计Location:德国Project Type: 公共空间景观设计人行天桥景观设计 Key words:景观天桥 天桥设计 桥设计桥意向图 景观桥设计 人行天桥 天桥景观 景观桥意向图景观桥意向景观桥图片 景观桥分析 人行立交桥 创意景观桥 园林桥 景观桥 天桥步行景观桥水步行桥设计 园林景观桥人行天桥景观 人行天桥设计 水面长桥 水上长桥All photos :© ANNABAU 文字/翻译zoscape
德国巴格里亚水上长桥位于蒂申罗伊特德跨河。德国巴格里亚水上长桥概念源起于两个设计团队在2013年Landesgartenschau Tirschenreuth花园节上的作品,如今两个团队将其延伸发展成现在的德国巴格里亚水上长桥。
The design for the Tension Band Bridge was a cooperative competition entry between Berlin-based firm for architecture and landscape ANNABAU and Schüßler-Plan structural engineers for the „Landesgartenschau Tirschenreuth 2013“ (Garden Festival Tirschenreuth 2013), and was selected for implementation. The sculptural bridge is destined for pedestrians and cyclists and spans its 85 meter length over the city pond.
The exposed wooden body of the bridge is closely connected to the historical meaning of wood in the city of Tirschenreuth, evident in the city`s name. Additionally, it refers to the local architecture, where untreated wood is often found in vernacular construction.A minimal substructure built from steel tension bands lying on three, small concrete bases, reveals its wooden sculptural body and demonstrates its contextual sensitivity.