丹麦Garden House花园透明温室景观设计
Project Name:丹麦Garden House花园透明温室景观设计Location: 丹麦哥本哈根Project Type: 温室景观设计 透明温室景观设计 花园温室景观Key words: 景观设施现代设施设计 设施设计 花园设施 景观设施设计景观设施意向 创意设施 温室景观 温室景观设计 温室景观设施 温室设计 花园温室 家庭花园温室 透明温室 创意温室 透明花园温室All photos :©Simon Hjermind Jensen文字/翻译zoscape
丹麦Garden House花园透明温室很容易被复制,可高度用于公共场所。丹麦Garden House花园透明温室可伸缩的结构能够营造多种不同空间感,聚碳酸酯的材质保证其内部温度稳定舒适。丹麦Garden House花园透明温室景观设计项目由3个球型透明篷组成,高度分别为2.4米,2.7米和3.2米,直径为1.8米,2.4米和3.3米,丹麦Garden House花园透明温室外壳材料是聚碳酸酯,温室在电脑中分别设计好尺寸,然后经过剪裁缝纫拉伸固定组装便可大功告成。丹麦哥本哈根的一户私人花园中,立起三个相连的透明泡泡状温室,设计师称之为“看不见的温室”。丹麦Garden House花园透明温室里宜人的微气候可以延长北温带植物的生长,避开丹麦早春和秋季的寒风,让夏日在透明穹顶中盛放。
The structure silhouetted against the bright summer sky the structure is composed of two dimensional parts designed digitally and produced with a CNC mill. the material is durable UV protected polycarbonate with high impact-resistance. the panels and ‘stitching’ are connected with bolts to form a 3D volume over a polygonal wooden platform. the shells are then inserted into the ground below the frost line to support the garden house.
As the weather changes, the appearance of the garden house corresponds this prototype was developed for a single family in copenhagen, but is easily replicated, and highly feasible for public spaces. the scalable tectonic can be reproduced with as many or as few domes as are desired by the client to meet programmatic needs. the first installation consists of three sections varying in height among 2,4 m, 2,7 m and 3,2 m, and ranging in diameter from 1,8 m, to 2,4 m and 3,3 m respectively. the design could also be used in urban contexts and as a rooftop garden.