Anne 发表于 2015-10-23 13:49:17


<table class="t_table"><tbody><tr><td><div align="left"><font size="2"><b>Project Name</b>:花卉博览会景观雕塑设计——荷韵</font></div><div align="left"><font size="2"><b>Design</b>:中国</font></div><div align="left"><div align="left"><font size="2"><b>Project Type</b>:景观雕塑设计 雕塑小品设计</font></div><div align="left"><font size="2"><b>Key words</b>: 公共空间 </font><font size="2">小品景观设计 景观小品意向&nbsp;&nbsp;小品设计 景观小品设计&nbsp;&nbsp;创意花园小品 园林景观小品&nbsp;&nbsp;小品景观 艺术小品 创意小品&nbsp;&nbsp;景观雕塑 城市雕塑 雕塑设计 景观雕塑&nbsp;&nbsp;雕塑小品 雕塑设计 艺术雕塑 园林雕塑 草坪雕塑</font></div><div align="left"><font size="2"><b>All photos </b>:©南京联荷环境艺术&nbsp; &nbsp;<b>文字/翻译</b><a href="" target="_blank">zoscape</a></font></div></div></td></tr></tbody></table><br><br><div align="center"><img width="900" _height="1" src="" border="0" alt=""></div><br><br><div align="center"><img width="900" _height="1" src="" border="0" alt=""></div><br><br>第8届花卉博览会因地处西太湖一侧,因此有着“水上花博会”的美誉。 因此花卉博览会景观雕塑设计——荷韵设计的另一个创意来源是 西太湖的水域形状,以及洒落在荷叶上的水珠。荷韵景观雕塑通过对于西太湖水域形状的归纳, 以及涟漪与浮萍的视觉意向,设计出景建《荷韵》的周边场地.<br>荷韵景观雕塑表面材质为不锈钢着色,内部为钢结构。荷韵景观雕塑由5个形态迥异,造型逼真的单元组成,每个单元由柱体、荷叶、网状结构三个部分组成,其中柱体为旋转棱柱结构,“荷叶”为艺术造型锻造面,网状结构为双曲面结构。该 雕塑单元高度最高达到13米,最低6米,最大直径近13米。体量巨大,制作难度极高。<br>From the perspective of bionics it reveals the close relationship between the form of lotus leaf and the architectural structure. Through the design of the form of“lotus leaf ”, the structure using structuralism method ,make full use of visual reality of the surface of the landscape. It Strengthen the sense of space, to create a landscape architecture image—“nature in architecture, architectural nature”.<br><br><div align="center"><img width="900" _height="1" src="" border="0" alt=""></div><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br>荷韵景观雕塑的设计,从仿生学角度出发,揭示出荷的形态与建筑构造之间的紧密联系。荷韵景观雕塑通过对于“荷”形态的变体设计,采用结构主义的构造手法,在景建的表皮设计上充分运用虚与实的视觉关系,强化空间感,营造出“自然中的建筑,雕塑化的自然”这一景建形象。<br>The eighth national flower expo because is located in the west side of Xitaihu, therefore has a “water flower expo ” reputation. Water is the source of life, is the foundation of all life. So the landscape construction to the case of the second source of creative shape is waters of west lake, and on the water drops on the lotus leaves. Through the west taihu lake water in the shape of induction, and ripples and visual intention of duckweed, designed JingJian “Rhythm of lotus leaf”of the surrounding area.<br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br>该雕塑在设计过程中,通过处理近1000段的三维联接数据,以激光定点的方式精确获得这些数据的三维坐标,形成造型联接的结构点,从而产生自然中荷叶律动的视觉效果。荷韵景观雕塑表面的网状双曲面结构是由更小的单元组成,这也就决定了在雕塑成品制作中,不仅要对这近1000段不锈钢单元进行曲面锻造,还要在现场对于人工焊接进行艺术指导。设计师通过现场控制与调整来体现原创设计技术美感和艺术性,最大程度上达到原创作品的艺术效果。<br>The surface material of “Rhythm of lotus leaf”&nbsp;&nbsp;is coloring stainless steel, with internal steel structure. It consists by 5 different forms unit. Each unit is composed of three parts, the column ,the lotus leaf, and the net structure. The column is a rotating prism structure, the "Lotus" for art forging surface, mesh structure is a hyperboloid structure. Sculpture unit height up to 13 meters, the lowest 6 meters, the largest diameter of nearly 13 meters. it is extremely difficult to make huge volume of“lotus leaf”.<br><br><div align="center"></div><br><br><div align="center"><br><br></div><br>
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