Project Name:西班牙毕尔巴鄂Indautxu广场景观改造设计Location: 西班牙Project Type:广场景观设计 城市广场景观改造设计Key words: 广场设计 广场景观 广场景观设计 广场意向图城市广场 广场景观意向广场景观平面 景观广场广场城市绿地广场广场设计平面 广场景观效果广场特色景观创意景观广场 小广场意向图 开放广场休闲广场All photos :©JAAM sociedad de arquitectura 文字/翻译zoscape
It was necessary to replace vehicles with pedestrians as the centre of the proposal. Two of the three roads that crossed the square were removed, leaving the other only for public transport. At the same time the perimeter of the square was enlarged, and the sidewalks of the streets were widened in order to support the stores and allow the hotels to have exterior terraces.
西班牙毕尔巴鄂Indautxu广场的改造由JAAM sociedad de arquitectura建筑事务所负责,他们的设计是从广场设计竞赛中脱颖而出的最佳方案。景观设计师试图对这片已经与现有城市空间脱轨的场地进行整合,使广场重新融入城市环境之中,并且希望通过富有特色的设计语言,创造出属于这个广场空间的个性十足的标志性景观。
Before this construction, the Indautxu Square was a deprived space that the residents avoided. It was split by a vehicular road. It was located above an underground car park and a commercial mall and it didn’t respond well to the subterranean infrastructures. One of the tasks of the project for the new square was to update these infrastructures in order to obey the current regulations.
景观设计师在广场中间化了一个直径40米的大圈,并用一圈半透明的玻璃廊架包围,圈内的空间可作为书籍展览,美食展览,艺术展览等公共活动的空间。圈外的广场空间满满的点缀上了大小不一的圆形花园。人们可以在广场上任意漫步,坐落休息,欣赏花树。 此外广场两侧的高差超过三米,景观设计师将广场建成一个大缓坡克服高差并保证广场的可达性,易用性。然后在广场上安装了各项设施解决地下通风的和交通(电梯,扶梯),还安置了卫生间。对于广场的这些设施,采用相同的材料:玻璃,木材,石材;以及相同的强烈倾斜角造型--与当地最独特和最具参考性的塞尼奥拉卡门所呼应。
The plot of Indautxus’s plaza was almost squared. Three of its sides bordered with vehicular roads, and the fourth with buildings: a block of apartments and the church Nuestra Señora del Carmen, a construction whose covering presents a characteristic inclination that we adopted for the small constructions that the square needed.We wanted the square to present two kinds of spaces: the main one for social events, fairs, dances and exhibitions… and the other one surrounding the first, for walking, reading: a peaceful space.