Valpe 发表于 2015-11-4 21:06:52


Project Name:俄罗斯Krymskaya河岸及自行车道景观改造设计Location:俄罗斯
Project Type:车行道改造设计道路景观设计自行车道景观设计道路公园景观设计Key words: 景观设计道路景观节点景观   滨河带状绿地 规划设计 道路公共空间   城市滨水区   园林景观曲线景观设计规划设计俄罗斯 堤岸公园 公园景观 街边公园 自行车道 街道景观 道路景观车行道改造设计 自行车道景观设计 河岸景观设计 河岸景观带All photos :©WOWHAUS    译:zoscape

俄罗斯Krymskaya河岸景观带在没有从 Muzeon公园、中央艺术区独立出来之前只是一段普普通通的景观带。自从Krymskaya河岸景观带独立之后却发生了巨大的变化:以前普通的车行道路现在变成了人行道和自行车道;自行车道沿途建造了新的喷泉;自行车道沿途流线型的艺术家展览馆取代了原来混乱的展区;就连原来的小山丘也已经成为Krymskaya河岸景观带的一部分。景观设计师希望将这个平平淡淡的四车道道路打造成为当地一个新的城市地标,从而为 Muzeon公园荒凉的区域带来生机。
The transformed Krymskaya embankment is the first year-round landscape park in the centre of Moscow. In Summer the wave-shaped multilevel layout can be used for walking, cycling or roller-skating while in Winter it is a perfect setup for sledding, skating or skiing.The central design element of the embankment is the wave: wave-shaped benches, pedestrian and cycling waves create an artificial landscape.

A transit zone connecting Gorky Park with the Krymsky embankment has become a popular spot and also provides shelter from the rain now that a stage, and two wooden amphitheatres have been built. 28 artificial rock and metal benches illuminated from the inside are scattered along the way as an amenity for pedestrians and cyclists from Muzeon to Gorky park.The fountain zone which is the central element of the new park, faces the Central House of Artists and is separated from the river by a linden alley.
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