LA小丸子 发表于 2015-11-18 21:19:40

丹麦Lemvig SkatePark 滑板公园景观设计

Project Name: 丹麦Lemvig SkatePark滑板公园景观设计Location: 丹麦Project Type:公园景观规划设计 公园景观设计 滑板公园景观设计Key words: 公园 主题公园 室外公园 公园规划公园设计公园意向图 公园景观 滑板公园公园景观设计 绿色公园城市公园 公园意向 景观公园城市公园景观 公园景观规划公园规划设计 活动公园 滑板公园景观 城市滑板公园All photos :©EFFEKT   文字/翻译:网络
丹麦Lemvig SkatePark 滑板公园景观设计平面


丹麦Lemvig SkatePark 滑板公园景观细部
丹麦Lemvig SkatePark 滑板公园地形景观设计

丹麦Lemvig SkatePark 滑板公园地形景观设计

丹麦Lemvig SkatePark 滑板公园地形景观设计

Lemvig SkatePark is part of the public space program “Byg-Det-Op” (Built It!) orchestrated by Danish Architecture Centre and Danish Broadcasting Corporation in collaboration with Realdania, The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sport Facilities, Danish Arts Foundation and COWI. The project was conducted as a Design-Build project in a period of 4 months in the summer of 2013. The entire project was documented by Danish television in four individual documentaries.
In thespring of2013, Lemvig Municipality faced a group ofcitizens eagerto transform an empty industrial loton thecity’s harbour front intoan areaofleisureandrecreation. In order to meetthedemands ofthelocalpopulation, EFFEKTworked closely with representatives from different usergroups to developed a newtype ofurbanspace.

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