silver 发表于 2015-11-27 20:48:49


Project Name:荷兰Glimmen庄园景观生态改造设计Location: 荷兰Project Type: 游园景观规划设计 庄园景观修复 庄园景观生态改造Key words: 郊野景观改造生态修复 景观带生态景观 环境恢复 生态景观改造设计 生态改造 生态园林 生态游园 生态多样性 郊野景观 郊野景观设计 郊野景观改造 游园景观 野鸭栖息地 生物栖息地 生态修复设计 休闲景观设计 休闲娱乐景观 自然生态景观 生态修复 景观修复All photos :©MD Landschapsarchitecten文字/翻译:网络








Not only have the various sections of the decoy been restored, the later use of the terrain as ridge-plant wooded zone has also been visualized. The sitting element has been positioned in such a way that the ridges and decoy walls are easily recognizable. The steel of the sitting element provides a brief description of the various historical and current uses of the zone.
The aforementioned recent, more active recreational function of the decoy has been made possible on an adjoining open piece of ground. This neglected area has been transformed into playing field with fruit trees and a robust, long picnic table. A number of cleverly sited transitions have been created between the decoy and the playing field. As a consequence, visitors who wish to use their leisure time actively opt for the playing field. The functions reinforce one another: recreational visitors also take a look in the duck decoy and vice versa.
With the restoration of the surrounding earthen walls, the decoy is now closed off, but has been made accessible by means of a CorTen steel path in one of the former decoy pipes that enticed the ducks inward and now ends in a sitting element. The CorTen steel element is inviting yet simultaneously generates distance, in combination with the strategically planted holly bushes. Visitors feel welcome as they enter the decoy, but feel instinctively just how far they can go.

一抹蓝xj 发表于 2015-12-29 15:50:29

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