Crystal River滨河生态景观规划设计平面图
激活晶河走廊,通过下列策略,将其打造成经济上可持续的世界一流示范滨水走廊:• Providing a linear parallel focus of commercial activity and energy rather than a series of disconnected nodes 将商业活动集中在一条线状带上,而不是一些互不联系的孤立节点• Creating interest through three new islands of different complementary functions providing diversity of scale and experience from open riverside parkland to civic, mixed use and intimate bar street all contained within a new River Walk. 在这一条滨河带内设置三个功能互补的新型岛屿作为有趣的场所,三者从尺度上和体验上相区别,一是开敞的滨河公园绿地,二是结合行政等的功能混合地带,三是小尺度的餐饮酒吧街。• Provide a blend of permanent distinctive industries and economic generators (e.g. film and it)balanced by retail and service industries 设置一些永久的特色产业发展区和经济推手,如电影和IT行业,来补充零售和服务业。• Designing a pedestrian and cycling friendly environment with short distance walks, multiple interesting rivers crossings and a harmonious river experience 设置短距离步道、多种有趣的河道交叉口和和谐的滨河体验来营造适宜步行者和自行车出行的环境。• Meet and exceed industry green standards such as LEED to create a chain of distinctive ecological buildings along the riverfront – a crystal necklace 在滨河沿线设置一系列达到甚至超过绿色建筑标准如LEED的生态建筑群,形成一条“水晶项链”。文本下载