KCAP 发表于 2016-4-9 09:00:10

西班牙Bahia de Pasaia海湾滨水区景观规划设计

项目名称:西班牙Bahia de Pasaia海湾滨水区景观规划设计

西班牙Bahia de Pasaia海湾滨水区鸟瞰
西班牙圣-塞巴斯蒂安“Bahia de Pasaia”(帕萨亚海湾)占地70公顷,现在主要用于开展港口业务,将逐渐改造成新海湾滨水区。 西班牙Bahia de Pasaia海湾滨水区景观规划设计项目对于周围需要更新重建的地区来说,是个绝佳机遇,将给整个Bahia de Pasaia海湾滨水区带来重要影响。

西班牙Bahia de Pasaia海湾滨水区效果图
西班牙Bahia de Pasaia海湾滨水区效果图
西班牙Bahia de Pasaia海湾滨水区景观总体规划对Bahia de Pasaia海湾丰富多样的群岛海岸线进行了开发,并创造各种条件鼓励当地社区及居民参与到设计中。 城市规划方案为当地社区提供了发展空间与推进自身形象发展的可能,并发掘出多样性魅力。 海湾滨水区域发展主要围绕公共交通枢纽进行, 围绕码头和林荫大道的公共空间网络将不同类型的区域统一起来。 在此稳定的海湾结构内,形成灵活的公共空间网络,为现有和未来的居民的亲水娱乐休闲活动创造条件。 以海湾滨水区为核心,本区域还将建造文化中心和海洋博物馆等新的地标性建筑。 大量新型经济活动将为各种行业提供新的就业机会.

西班牙Bahia de Pasaia海湾滨水区效果图
西班牙Bahia de Pasaia海湾滨水区效果图
The 70 ha site at the 'Bahia de Pasaia' (Bay of Pasaia), San Sebastian is currently used for harbor activity and will gradually become available for redevelopment. The project is considered as a key opportunity for the surrounding communities which are in need of regeneration and will have an important impact on the entire region.
The masterplan defines an archipelago of varied waterfront developments, setting broad conditions for local involvement of the different communities. The urban plan provides the local communities with space to grow and possibilities to extend their identity and exploit their diversity.
The growth is concentrated around public transport hubs. The different character zones are unified by a public space network around the docks and along green boulevards. Within this robust structure, a sensitive network of public spaces is formed, allowing current and new inhabitants to enjoy the water for leisure and recreation. Around the bay, new landmark buildings such as a cultural centre and a maritime museum will become regional destinations. Clusters of new economic activities will generate new employment in a broad range of sectors.

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