KCAP 发表于 2016-8-25 17:05:23

Jaanila Country公园景观规划设计

Jaanila Country不会像俄罗斯其的许多大尺度开发项目一样,它的设计基于创造一个特性的,融合了建筑环境和绿色的环境,这个概念植根于欧洲在住宅和工作区域规划传统的的大型公园。
Jaanila Country所有私密空间的必备基础设施和公共公园组合在一起作为整个区域的一部分。所有的相邻区域都和中心绿色共建相结合,在不同的规模层次上建立出公共区域。公园使得新区域的周围由森林景观包围,城市功能 在自然环境中扎根。作为一个有凝聚力的绿色核心,为周围的所有邻区提供了一个共享的区域。这个边缘被作为一个接口处,为邻区和公园之间建立了有力的联接。



Edged by roads to the west, north, east and south, an attractive urban living environment is emerging in Jaanila – at its heart is a green core, Central Park. All of the buildings adjoin this central green space, this is Jaanila Country base. Jaanila Country will further offer a nice scale in buildings, a rich urban fabric, functional infrastructure which is knitted in a hierarchy of urban routes, and a range of building blocks that responds to the public realm framework and town scape.
One of the project tasks was the integration of the already developed architecture of the first construction phase into the overall concept of the new master plan.
The architectural concept of buildings is based on the thought-out unification in order to achieve both, the financial feasibility and the desirable diversity in the architectural appearance of the buildings.

chenloyp 发表于 2016-9-1 15:13:31


chenloyp 发表于 2016-9-1 15:13:58

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