The pedestrian bridge 景观天桥设计
本帖最后由 Glye 于 2015-4-3 19:39 编辑这个天桥连接着当地的地铁站和另外一座天桥,人工的痕迹被景观建筑师淡化,婉如人造的自然景观;
天桥设计为 双重几何形,并采用对比材料。混凝土桥体的内部,由木材打造的整体地面与扶手。从地铁站出来,跨越公路,直接插入茂密的小山坡,与盘旋的小路联系。
To announce its dual role as a new gateway into the city and as a connecting element for slower traffic, the design uses the two complementary materials of wood and concrete. This provides solutions for the statics, while the interplay between specific material properties creates contrasting atmospheres for the car drivers rushing by below and the pedestrians crossing the heart of the bridge above.On the opposite side, the construction rests on the mound of rubble created while the Metro was being constructed. There, the atmospherically charged course is continued over the ramp, leading downwards in a large spiral through the dense ornamental shrubbery.