Midtown Detroit 底特律科技园景观概念规划设计
配套PSD源文件请点击http://www.zoscape.com/thread-95-1-1.html / http://www.zoscape.com/thread-96-1-1.html底特律中城的科技园是一个创新城区,充满了发展潜力。这个非营利结构为密歇根东南部的企业与创业公司提供项目与合作机会。这个区域自身十分独特,它的标志建筑在曾经辉煌的汽车工业时期具有重要意义,而在今天又有巨大的再利用潜力。
景观设计的目标是促进创新思维碰撞——将人们聚在一起激发创新思想。创新点子常常在偶然的会面中产生,所以创新集群需要提供人们不经意碰面与观察的地方。景观设计上,这可以通过相对简单但有效的策略实现:酒吧、咖啡厅、共享办公室以及设计精良可提供多种功能组织多种活动的公共空间。 例如,在科技园,中心创新广场在夏天可以承办各种市场、流动餐饮车,冬天可以滑冰或升起篝火。临时协作立方体、集思广益树林以及上佳实验室可以为人们提供各种尺度的空间进行聚会以及合作。
Engagement Strategies: A variety of creative strategies were employed to encourage stakeholder participation in the development of the plan, including interactive games, online surveys, prioritization exercises, blog streaming, and public open forums. A core committee of institutional leaders were consulted at each milestone.
Framework Principles: The plan is driven by several planning and design principles that address site challenges and support aspirational goals for the district.
Public Realm Framework: The vision for TechTown is structured around a public realm framework that defines key corridors and connects anchor institutions. Each corridor is characterized by a different public realm and land use strategy.
Techtown Vision: The long term vision positions TechTown as the hub of innovation in Detroit. A renewed public realm ties together ideas-based industries within a vibrant urban neighborhood.
Core Plaza Elements: The core plaza catalyzes new investment in TechTown. Engaging civic spaces and a carefully curated public realm program encourage participation, creation, and collaboration.
The core plaza is designed to encourage collaboration and entrepreneurial activity the heart of the district.
Photo Credit: Sasaki Associates, Inc.
Collaboration Cubes: Mobile and adaptable collaboration cubes, specifically designed for TechTown, support a range of active uses from spontaneous brainstorming sessions to planned social activities.
Fabrication tables extend from the adjacent fab-lab to facilitate the visible testing and development of new products. Shade structures and complementary landscaping create a comfortable environment for collaboration.
The Brainstorming Grove and Think Tank provide an informal destination for meeting and socializing, with access to the nearby Short Circuit Cafe and food trucks.
Plaza through the seasons: The plaza is designed for flexibility and to support year-round activity, from curling and campfires in the winter, to movie screenings and robot competitions in the spring and summer, to makers fairs and beer gardens in the fall.
Realizing the Vision: The vision for TechTown will be realized over time. A launch party catalyzes the development of the core plaza, followed by incremental investment that reinforces the heart of the district.
District Transformation: A district currently defined by surface parking lots and lack of identity will be transformed into a dense, well-balanced urban setting, with a clearly defined sense of place.
Sustainability and Livability: The district strategy leverages existing sustainability investments, and supports a broad definition of sustainability. Social, economic, and environmental sustainability are foundational elements of the plan.