Eran 发表于 2015-4-7 23:44:04



   The Luchtsingel is a pedestrian footbridge in Rotterdam that is being realized by crowdfunding. Zones Urbaines Sensibles decided to bypass the normal systems of real estate development and instead turned to internet-based crowdfunding. The Luchtsingel, which uses the slogan “the more you donate, the longer the bridge”, has resonated with the public imagination and surpassed its initial funding goals, becoming an important part of Rotterdam’s urban rejuvenation. In turn, the funding method for the bridge influenced its design: constructed with 17,000 wooden planks, each donor is entitled to have a message inscribed into the fabric of the bridge. This message can be advertising a business, a message to a loved one or simply their name, making this a truly public piece of the public realm. Part of the “I Make Rotterdam scheme”, the bridge is intended to reconnect the Hofplein area with the Northern districts of Rotterdam by allowing pedestrians to avoid the hectic traffic below.

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