Offline Room
Offline Room responds to the theme of the studio, “Room with a view”.
Offline Room is an installation that studies an unconnected space and the relationships that this condition can create with the domestic space.
Today we are absorbed by the devices and our homes and our habits are modificated by the technology. The space-time perception is experienced through artificial mediations (tv, pc or phone have become the windows of the world), but what kind of future is expecting us? in the core of the room we develop a representation of a primordial future through a sensorial deprivation space.
1.與全球信息聯通的設計空間;2. 單向共享信息的設計空間;3.情緒膨脹的設計空間;4. 手勢識別的設計空間;5. 感覺剝奪的設計空間
其他的表現方式和拼貼風圖紙的表達則是從Viar Estudio、Point Supreme、Superstudio等事務所,埃托·索特薩斯、安德裡亞·佈蘭茲以園林景觀建築規劃設計及朱利奧·保利尼等建築設計景觀建築園林景觀設計師身上汲取瞭靈感。
景觀建築師想要通過藍色+粉色+技術+參與者類行為的濾鏡效果對當下發生的某些現象提出質疑;正如藝術傢Ugo La Pietra所說的“在傢遠程解決信息”,這種氛圍把觀察者帶進瞭對設計項目的質疑或技術性情緒中。
Could you talk a bit more of how the design outcome in relation to your thesis? How important were the concept and material concept for the developing of the proposal?
The “box in box” concept is due to the creation of an imaginary path through the rooms that starts with the maximum of the technology and connection available and end without any kind of connection.
“套盒” 的建築景觀規劃設計簡單而言是在房間中建立瞭一個假想的路徑,從最外層與外界的技術和連接最多的設計空間逐層向內過渡,一直到最內層的房間裡完全隔絕掉與外部的所有聯系。
Each room is referred to the respective technological device and is a sort of barrier for the technological connections of the previous room. Decreasing of intensity, the smallest box is the core room. The climate in this room reminds to a primate condition, like a cave: the space is totally isolated, without connections and any kind of object, also the light is only natural. The exclusive presence is a person floating in a sensory deprivation water tub. This box is the real synthesis of the project: it expresses our idea of (primitive) future, a future that will delete objects to focus only on the humans.
The concepts show the idea of the project: a sort of thematic shade guide the observer from the core room to the exterior through the devices. The material concept allows us to express directly the direction and the structure of the project: the space is defined only by the use of the users, so by the furniture and the technology.
We map the materials for increasing the concept of boxes and their increment of “materiality”: to the decrease of technology (so with the increase of physical use of our five senses) correspond a more used space (visible by the “warmth” of materials).
What defined the various spaces, what do these specifically respond to? How does the box standardise each one?
Each technological device generates a different spatial disposition for its fruition. For example, the technological device of the second box is the tv. The tv and the sofa with the carpet product a semicircular disposition that suggest a unidirectional sharing space. The others boxes follow the same logic, the first box (from the exterior) express the smartphone space: a global shared place with a multi-punctual diffused structure (this represent the behavior of people meanwhile using smartphones).
The third is radio-focused and express somewhat emotional: the free space is structural linked to a circle, so the physical movements play a fundamental role.
The next box is related only to the gestural recognition, so the space return to a punctiform structure but here is controlled and managed by the gestures of the person. The last box, the sensorial deprivation space, evidence the univocal punctual structure as a focus on the human condition.
What is the role of furniture within these spaces?
The project is based on the concept that the furniture “create” the space. Actually, we can identify what kind of space is only by watching to its furniture (moreover, the number of furniture rises up as we reduce the intensity of technology). The technologies let us to live in an anonymous space, because the only important thing is the display and what’s inside; hence the proposed spaces are created only by objects, things that you can live with the specific technological device.