Wonderwall Hotel is a site located in Chiang Mai, the province in the northern part of Thailand which houses several cultural and traditional tourist spots. The hotel is close to Tha-Pae gate, another important landmark inside the old Chiang Mai town. The big site hosting the hotel belongs to the hotel’s partner, which consists of several houses and some part of it was once constructed with dormitory.
▼酒店外观,exterior view of the hotel ©Baanlaesuan
2018年,酒店的老板决定将原先的旧宿舍楼改建为这个名为奇迹之墙(WONDERWALL)的酒店。最终的酒店由两个体量组成,其中一个体量是改造后的宿舍楼:高三层,拥有着14间客房;另一个体量是新建的,不仅充当着酒店的大堂,还容纳着清迈著名的咖啡馆——Youngfolk Café的第二家分店。此外,这个新建的体量还是一个住店客参与者和外部参与者员的共享设计空间,从而确保了酒店和咖啡馆能够同时运营,互不干扰。新建体量的二层设置着一个小型的办公设计空间。这个办公设计空间属于酒店的合作伙伴兼本案的建筑设计景观建筑园林景观设计方——建筑设计事务所blank studio。
Thus in 2018 the hotel owner decided to reform the old dormitory to be WONDERWALL. The hotel was built upon the old 3-stories dormitory and now consists of 14 rooms. The other new building was also built to be the lobby of the hotel, while Youngfolk Café, the well-known café from Jom Thong, Chiang Mai, also decided to open their second branch here. Meanwhile, the space is designed to be a sharing space which allows the hotel to operate simultaneously with the café so that it can also accommodate external people too. Upon the second floor of the building, there locates cute little office of Blankstudio, the partners and designers of this hotel.
▼酒店客房体量外观,由旧宿舍楼改造而来,exterior view of the guest room building that is transformed by the old dorm ©Baanlaesuan
The concept of this hotel is defined by the beauties of incompletion of materials, with the help of old city’s gates and walls close to the project which the designers chose to adapt with designing. They think that those gates and walls nowadays are not as in complete and neat conditions as they used to be. However, those imperfections don’t mean ugliness; in fact, they express the senses of place really well and hold their own beauty and uniqueness. The architects have applied the inspiration firstly with the walls of the hotel to build up new elements to the wall. The wall’s outline looks more combust by the combination of metal cells and disarranged bricks. By putting bricks halfway of the wall, not only it can create privacy to the project vision-wise, but it also expresses ‘Imperfection’ of those walls, which can be a very good representative of the concept of this design.
▼酒店外围墙,the bounding wall of the hotel ©Baanlaesuan
▼酒店围墙细节,金属丝网与乱堆的砖块相结合,details of the bounding wall made of the combination of metal cells and disarranged bricks ©Tanachat Sooksawasd
▼酒店围墙细节,砖块并未完全填满整个金属丝网结构,details of the bounding wall, putting bricks halfway of the wall ©Tanachat Sooksawasd
▼酒店主入口,一条走道贯穿了花园,the entrance area, a walkway is set down on the garden ©Tanachat Sooksawasd
▼花园及其步道,选用高大的树木和灌木丛为主要的植被,the garden and its walkway with tall trees and bushes ©Tanachat Sooksawasd