随着年轻人在滑板,自行车和溜冰鞋上度过闲暇时光, 导致与当地居民的冲突。 通过一栋消失在绿色梯田下的建筑物,可以为年轻人创造一个单独的地方,而不是将他们排除为粗俗的行为或期望适当的行为。作为年轻人, 他们闲暇时间玩滑板,自行车和溜冰鞋,它经常导致与当地居民发生冲突。通过一栋消失在绿色梯田下的建筑物,有可能为年轻人创造一个单独的地方
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
©wbp / Claudia Dreyße
Within the “Emscherumbaus”, were the open sewer is tubed, the building of the former youth centre Oberhausen-Holten was located in the route of the planned canal construction project. The project was suggested as an object for the “Emscherkunst 2013”. In the sense of a “restoration of the landscape” along the 51.526490, 6.794276 and the use of the excavation of the new canal for the building project, a diverse and usable landscape sculpture was developed together with the artist Apolonija Šušteršič.
The important design components are security, accessibility, usability, the promotion of senses. As the youth center with its landscape playgrounds is located on the edge of the district and bordering on one side to water, the robustness of the facility and the safety play an important role. The landscape sculpture wants to be experienced and used, the extensive, mostly fortified road network allows accessability in many areas and offers in many places not “prefabricated” movement and play incentives with degrees of difficulty determined by user.
The assortment of games are designed according to the user groups, integrated into an overall spatial and design concept; nevertheless, the rooms are not separated, the entire building is open for use and a meeting point for children, young people and families. Particularly is the fact that the spaces and roadways are accessible and comfortably designed (site concrete paths) and all the play elements are to access.
PLAY_LAND – youth centre with skate park and playground in Oberhausen, Germany
Conceptual design: wbp Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH together with the artist and architect Apolonija Šušteršič and Banz+Riecks architects, design and detail planning
Website: www.wbp-landschaftsarchitekten.de
construction site management: wbp landscape architects with Guido Bauer
design scaterpool: Carve, Elger Blitz together with the kids
detail planning and construction site managemant of scaterpool: Maier landscape architects
Project location: 46147 Oberhausen – Holten, Germany
Design year: 2012
Year Built: 2013