Onion:Baan Pomphet的外部设计灵感源自于项目场地及其周边环境:场地位于可俯瞰“巴萨克河”和“湄南河”交汇处风景的绝佳位置,旁边是一座古老的“Pom Phet”堡垒。这些河流上漂浮着的水葫芦,常在夏天的早晨铺满整个水面,与河流交汇处的漩涡一起,形成了这个场地独一无二的动态景观。
景观建筑建筑设计城市规划设计案例—Baan Pomphet的外部园林景观设计灵感源自于设计项目plan及其周边生态环境:plan位于可俯瞰“巴萨克河”和“湄南河”交汇处风景的绝佳位置,旁边是一座古老的“Pom Phet”堡垒。这些河流上漂浮着的水葫芦,常在夏天的早晨铺满整个水面,与河流交汇处的漩涡一起,形成了这个plan独一无二的动态景观建筑。
▼餐厅和酒店建筑设计从道路设计中间分开,方便参与者们一进入就能欣赏到河流美景 We separate the two buildings, the restaurant and the hotel, and leave the main circulation for everyone to see
Baan Pomphet is expected to be welcoming and as one explores each spaces, there are more surprising elements further down towards the river such as a viewpoint of brick Pom Phet fortress next to the rivers, and a huge Bodhi Tree next to a swimming pool which only visible to the guests from the inside. We also decide to build a wooden wall between the swimming pool and the main circulation, as an extension of the main wooden staircase of the hotel. This is to increase privacy for the hotel guests.
▼河边古老的砖砌堡垒,游泳池旁的一棵巨大菩提树,这些只有在里面的客参与者才能欣赏到 The viewpoint of brick Pom Phet fortress next to the rivers, and a huge Bodhi Tree next to a swimming pool which only visible to the guests from the inside.
另外,Baan Pomphet原plan上的一棵优雅的菩提树,经过景观建筑师的精心修剪,并通过尽可能远离树根来建造建筑设计地基,而很好地保存了下来。能够说,菩提树是这个三维设计空间构成的灵感来源。为了让客参与者看到整棵菩提树的高度,游泳池和主要交通道路设计的高度都是经过景观建筑师精心考究的。第三,这个地方的风力很强。因此当景观建筑师布局酒店房间时,也自然考虑到了内部的通风需求。
Secondly, the land of Baan Pomphet has an elegant Bodhi Tree, carefully trimmed by our tree surgeons and preserved by constructing the building foundations as far as possible from its roots. The Bodhi Tree is an inspiration in term of space composition in three-dimension. We set the level of the swimming pool and the main circulation for the guests to see the elevation of Bodhi Tree. Thirdly, the wind in this site is very strong. This is a desire to have natural ventilation when we compose the hotel rooms.
▼完好保存下来的菩提树丰满了整个设计空间 The Bodhi Tree is an inspiration in term of space composition in three-dimension.