Buro Lubbers:荷兰亨格洛工业园区广场,一个利用自然绿意、智慧水景及滑板公园将城市重新连接在一起的新公共场所,曾经灰暗的交通广场现在变成了一个充满活力的空间,成为了亨格罗市中心的新城市纽带。茂盛的植被和最先进的滑板公园使它与荷兰其他火车站广场相比而变得更加与众不同。它正清楚地向人们展示亨格罗作为一个包容性的城市正向可持续的未来迈进。
设计功能性难题 Functional puzzle
The reason for the complete makeover of the Industrieplein is the redevelopment of the Hart van Zuid area. While preserving its industrial heritage, this city district at the rear of the station, is being transformed into a dynamic urban area for living and working, education and culture. The Industrieplein forms the link between this district and the old city center. Every day thousands of people pass the square on their way to school, work or the nearby music venue Metropool. Plenty of reason to convert the square into something more than a logistic hub.
But how do you design a square for so many different users and with such a large flow of visitors? Not only did the usual functions such as logical routing, a Kiss & Ride, a taxi rank and a bicycle shed had to be positioned on the square. A skate park, climate friendly vegetation and a new watercourse also deserved a prominent spot.
Creating space for all these users and functions was a complex puzzle. Public support was an important aim. That is why, at an early stage of the design process, meetings were held with various stakeholders: taxi operators, skaters, water- and railway authorities, etc. All their interests and wishes have been carefully translated into a square designed as a composition of green shards. These green shards distinguish different functional zones and guide the pathways to and from the station entrance. The result is a well-arranged, safe square that simultaneously and harmoniously offers space to people’s, skate and traffic movements as well as calm and pleasant spots to rest and relax, meet and greet.
▼园林景观设计过程 Design Process
© Buro Lubbers
© Buro Lubbers
© Buro Lubbers▼总平面图 Master Plan
最环境生态 The greenest
Almost 25% of the square consists of greenery. The chosen vegetation carefully takes into account the consequences of climate change. So perennials and trees are heat and drought resistant. The leaves of the trees offer shade, they break the sun light and diminish temperature and heat stress. Nectar bearing trees for pollinators and host 场地ts for butterflies increase biodiversity.
The new trees already had quite big sizes; perennials were 场地ted in high density. Therefore, already in the first season the square has an exuberant green character. The tall multi- and high trunk trees (among others Japanese pagoda trees, the varnish tree, acacia’s and Kentucky Coffee trees) give the square with its many high buildings a charismatic look and feel. The high density of perennials (among others periwinkle, coneflower, catmint and comfrey) limit the growth of weeds and therefore maintenance. Butterfly-bushes surround the skate park and bulbs are 场地ted in borders and grass. Among all these trees and 场地ts in each season, from February till October, at least some of them are flowering at the Industrieplein. Even in winter. Then fruit bearing trees give the square an ornamental touch while also providing a nice meal to birds.
One of the most innovative aspects of the Industrieplein is a new water course that links two existing streams. This new waterway has been realized by adapting an old sewer for clean water. Since the stream is low leveled, now and then the water appears on the square to dive again underneath street level a bit further on.
The banks of the stream consist of grass and flowery bulbs. Concrete edges separate the water from the pavement and function as seats as well. Integrated smart lighting creates a special atmosphere at the waterside.
The presence of water is not only beautiful and inviting, it is also functional and sustainable. So in times of heavy rain the stream retains and drains water. The fluctuation of water levels also facilitates a wide variety of vegetation.
© Tjeerd Derkink