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景观意向图-椎体花园设计 景观装置小品, 艺术装置, 小品设计
3 i% w @9 u+ x3 Q1 R 椎体花园 是一个由椎体构成的凸起艺术装置。它会根据不同的触碰方式发出不同的声音,让你在美丽森林的中央听到风声和海浪声。这些椎体多见于施工场地。该装置是此次国际花园节(International Garden Festival)最早设立的装置,直到活动结束后才会拆除。它形象地表达了人类控制环境的愿望。层层叠叠的椎体被堆积成小山丘的模样,它与自然母亲和谐相处的旅程才刚刚开始。4 m: J7 ]+ G4 f
A pop-up garden made of cones that make sound. In response to the way you touch it, it makes a sound back to you! In the middle of this beautifulforest you will hear the sound of wind and ocean waves. These cones are the objects most often seen on a construction site. They arrive on a job siteat the very beginning and stay there until the last moment of a project. It is an iconic object that has come to symbolize our desire to control our environment. Layed out in a smooth mound, here they are at the start of the process of reconciling with mother nature. " ~/ T4 l5 `, G5 ?; `" V1 d
For this team, landscape architecture is not only making good scenery like planting trees, paving roads and so on. They think that all live things,for example, wind, sound and temperature, can be material for making creative environments. Livescape tries to make the creative, sustainable, narrative space as a functional and aesthetic value using live and raw materials. We have developed ideas of diverse scales and try to find a right moment where economic and sustainable values meets art. We design live things and living places.1 W b( H3 J/ c: A" d# A% p
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The Gardens of the 15th International Garden Festival seduce visitors 加拿大国际花园节景观规划设计
" E& K4 m4 k# i5 |4 s6 uProject Type: Exhibition design 展览会 国际花园设计 International Garden 景观设计 城市公共空间景观规划设计,城市花园景观设计,城市公共空间景观设计,公园保护规划 加拿大国际花园节景观规划设计6 S! h6 X6 B. Q
Key words: The Gardens of the 15th International Garden Festival seduce visitors Event + Exhibition, Art, Garden + Terrace, Installation + Public art, Landscape Architecture The International Garden Festival 景观 视觉艺术 设计 自然 花园艺术 加拿大 国际花园节 景观规划设计,景观设计师 公共空间景观,行为艺术景观,景观装置小品 艺术装置 小品设计 景观小品意向图 开放空间 花园设计 城市开放空间,生态修复,保护地规划,景观都市主义,公园景观规划设计, 公共 改建 景观装置小品 艺术装置 小品设计 景观小品意向图 景观意向图-椎体花园设计 景观装置小品, 艺术装置, 小品设计) c5 b/ T7 g! x; g2 z b; b
All photos :© v2com Text译:zoscape
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