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This project operates as infrastructure, bridging the main road that dissects the site. It channels visitors from the plaza at the entrance where they congregate and orient themselves, plotting their direction. Their path over the bridge ascends 7m, offering vantage points from which to view theInternational Horticultural Expo in its entirety.Bridge design often has two lanes: one for incoming and another for outgoing traffic; however in this case, the flows are uneven and change throughout the day. Inspired by rush hour escalator traffic in London's Underground stations, the bridge was conceived with three lanes. The middle lane can switch directions from incoming in the morning to outgoing later in the day. These three bands read as interwoven braids, andtogether with the surrounding trellis roofed structure give the appearance of bands of landscape peeling off and rejoining the mass at the end of the journey. Between the three bands are green areas and a water feature for visitors to stop, rest and enjoy the view. Above, an open steel trellisstructure forms a shading device that is intended to become naturally overgrown with climbing plants, thus forming a green roof and reinforcingthe theme of the Expo to distant onlookers. The lightweight roof has been developed together with Arup's engineers as an innovative structure thatappears to float in space.
V* H' Y. F9 k2 g) |' U7 l D一般说来,桥梁会设计入口和出口两条通道,但该桥梁的交通量并不规律,全天都会不断变化。因此,受到伦敦地铁站高峰时段扶梯交通的启发。该桥梁设计了三条通道。中间通道可以灵活地从上午的入口通道变成下午或晚上的出口通道。相互交织的三条道路与格子状的顶部构架一起形成了时而分离却最终汇合在一起的绿化廊道。三条道路中间是绿化带和水景,可供人们停歇、欣赏风景。藤蔓植物将会爬上开放式的格子钢架,形成绿色桥顶,为地面投下阵阵阴凉的同时也进一步强化了世博园的主题。该结构是与英国奥雅纳工程顾问公司(Arup)工程师合作完成的。这个创新性轻质屋顶远远看去像是浮在空中的雕塑。) {$ {- B* e# }! T) w3 F
7 e6 E! F( l2 {9 N+ k
图片关键词:景观 人行天桥 桥梁 入口桥梁设计 景观构筑物 Plasma Studio Pedestrian bridge designed landscape park landscape design of steel pedestrian bridge bridge landscape bridge design landscape design landscape design boardwalk bridge design 景观桥设计设计图,创意景观桥意向图 园林景观桥 景观桥梁设计 景观桥方案 景观桥设计 景观桥图片 创意 新颖 景观桥设计图 景观桥雕塑小品 景观桥梁 景观桥小品 景观桥栏杆 钢结构景观桥意向图 人行景观桥图纸 园林景观桥图片 景观桥梁效果图 景观桥规划设计 景观木栈道设计 公园入口景观桥设计 公园入口 创意景观桥 构筑物夜景图片4 J! {0 _; U$ }, k
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意向图适用类型:Pedestrian bridge designed landscape park landscape design of steel pedestrian bridge bridge landscape bridge design landscape design landscape design boardwalk bridge design人行景观桥设计 公园景观桥设计 钢结构人行景观桥设计 景观桥梁设计 景观桥设计/ ?$ h* B ^' g" w
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