. e9 O: {: L3 i9 W5 }图片关键词:泰国 The Pool at Pyne Landscape design, landscape design city square, landscape design, urban public space design 泰国Pyne by Sansiri公寓花园 TROP设计 泰国曼谷 森林公寓 高层住宅景观平面图 住宅公寓平面图 商业街平面图 景观规划设计 Pyne公寓花园平面图 曼谷高档住宅区 Pyne花园 住宅景观设计平面图,高层建筑景观平面图,城市社区平面图,高档住宅景观设计平面图,城市住宅平面图,泰国小区景观平面图, 小区商业广场平面图 住宅商业街平面图 商业街景观设计平面图 住宅社区商业街平面图 居民区节点平面图 住宅社区平面图,城市小区平面图 高档社区平面图 S% {1 {" R7 L, z
Trop景观设计事务所受到Sansiri的委托为曼谷高档住宅区Pyne设计一座花园式的住宅景观。Pyne的地理位置十分优越:繁华城市区域的正中心、步行5分钟即可到达曼谷最大的商场、占地面积2,900 平方米、正前方是曼谷火车站,Pyne公寓住宅区交通十分便利,堪称完美。这也是该公寓住宅楼最大的卖点。然而,除此之外的所有因素对设计师来说都是巨大的挑战。住宅区三面都是十分丑陋的老旧建筑,其中包括一些喧闹的夜店,与"高档"格格不入。更糟糕的是,约100米长、34层高的巨型车站体量让整个住宅空间更加拥挤,就像家门正前方矗立的巨大建筑体。周围的建筑将设计紧紧地局限在四边形的混凝土盒子内。3 U; J! |8 W# E: X/ M% I
Basically, our main task is to divorce our project from these not-so-good-looking neighbors. In order to separate the private space from the busyoutside world, our first move is to create a 3m tall wall with planters on the top. From the outside, the wall appears like a normal straight white marble wall, but, looking from inside, the wall is changed into a curvy line to get rid of the boxy feeling space. Green area is strategically locatedbehind the wall, in between the train station and the condominium. Instead of typical functional garden, an urban forest, with 10m tall trees, areproposed to reduce the impact of the station. Underneath the trees, a series of small green "hills" are created all the way from the boundary wall right next to the lobby. To maximize the soft surface, the hills move up and down, so the residents can see more greenery than they do flat garden.Perpendicular lines were avoided, replaced by angled ones with round corners. Steps are integrated into the hills for the easier walk, dividing the hills into some topographic patterns. To animate the forest, we designed some special sculptures, the Dearest Deers, as the inhabitants of the forest.
" e$ H5 U. n2 p5 ]; G On the flat area, a series of concrete pathways are orchestrated from one side to the other of the property. The contrast between green lawn and concrete paths creates delightful visual for our residents who live above. The Forest is used as buffering media, which helps reducing the domination of the train station right in front of the project.
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