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5 h$ O6 u E; a( X6 k The integrated ecological infrastructure of this project emerges from three layers: the diversification of open spaces / activities, the complex multiplicity of connections, the pockets / landforms / platforms / wetlands biodiversity.
* I, T1 N0 F- C4 W1 G& f The site is wired by a continuous circulation circuit, linking in succession several nodes and generating, through punctual links, a spatial system of interdependent intensities: all the activities are located along the “Loop” – a seamless pedestrian and biking network. The island is situated inthe central intersection, connected with the mainland through three bridges. It’s the nodal attractor of the masterplan, the active-pulsating heart of the project through the articulation of the levels and the diversification of the programs, which are activated and deactivated by the tidal oscillations.The topography is organized into three main levels: uplands, freshwater wetlands and tidal terraces. Given the existing grade, the southern channel is shallower than the northern one. Different platforms of tidal dynamics are planned to strategically embrace the topography and thecirculation, designed to provide unique spatial experiences throughout the various environmental conditions of the landscape. A diversity of plant communities are selected according to the humidity and salinity of different terraces. They range from mangrove, saltwater and (cleansing) freshwater wetlands to upland species.# V$ f- {. @- Q: |
分析图关键词:景观 前海新区 绿色基础设施 景观规划 场所尺度 滨海新区绿色交通网络 雨水管理 生态基础设施 深圳前海石景观岛 滨水建筑 connectivity tidal dynamics ecological infrastructure Shenzhen Qianhai Concept Design for Qianhai Monument landscape island 前海石景观岛分析图 前海景观竞赛 分析图 景观 景观竞赛分析图 滨江景观效果 景观概念 规划 国际竞赛 作品 Shenzhen Qianhai Modern service industry cooperation zone 前海深港现代服务业合作区 国际景观设计竞赛 城市新区景观规划设计 景观概念 分析图 滨江景观竞赛 滨江分析图 滨水景观分析图 前海新区竞赛分析图 景观规划分析图 前海规划 景观岛 景观分析图 滨水分析图 滨水国际竞赛 景观设计 分析图 前海景观设计分析图( c1 ]6 i# y( c
景观岛, 前海概念规划, 景观分析图
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