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图片关键词:校园 景观铺装 设计意向图 树池 景观铺装 嵌草铺装 植物槽 校园广场设计意向图 Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook 大学校园景观节点 纽约州立大学石溪分校 校园几何物理中心 景观设计 西蒙斯几何物理中心 可持续景观设计 科学 建筑与景观 景观铺装设计 绿色屋顶花园 校园景观跌水 叠水 植物技术 科学 设计Landscape design landscape design city square commercial street landscape design landscape design urban public space design广场铺装意向图 广场景观意向 广场铺装意向图 地面铺装意向图 小区铺装意向图 小广场铺装意向图 小区广场铺装意向图 商业街景观铺装意向图 广场铺装意向图 景观广场铺装意向图 铺砖意向图 景观铺装意向图
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Dirtworks, PC was responsible for the planning, design and technical coordination of all site elements. A water feature engineered to act as a cooling agent for the building mechanical system was integrated within the landscape to create a distinctive introduction to the Center, which received LEED Gold Certification. Custom designed sine wave planters emphasize the action of wind on grasses. Penrose paving patterns add interest when viewed from upper levels of the Center.) _( W# [5 M- F2 Y
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Dirtworks, PC developed a series of interior and exterior spaces to encourage discussion, collaboration, relaxation and socialization. Strategic planter arrangements allow areas for quiet thinking to be near casual socialization spaces, while slate walls with stainless steel chalk ledges encourage spontaneous discourse. In addition, since significant portions of the project were located over structures that contained sensitive equipment, the design required careful architectural and engineering coordination.4 ~% L" a* ]; {0 i
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